I want to know within how many days, we can amend shipping bill from the date of export invoice??
If credit not issued ag.export sales can we amend shipping bill afterr2 months?
Please guide me and share related link for further clarification.
thanks in advance
I would like to import liquor / wines from Australia to India and would like to know the process / procedures to register firm specially in Delhi / Mumbai metro.
I need step by step guidance and expenses details if someone in the group can help me.
1-We used one brand in 2009 namely KELVIN for all product selling .
2-All product we buy and sell in our above brand.
3-Is our concern is tranding or manufacturing as we used our logo KELVIN in all products.
4.Our sales in that period is above Rs.2.5 crores
5.So we must have Central Excise no or not because our sales is above 1.5 cr.
6.If we should have CE no , are we the dafaulter of Excise.
Please claerify the same.
Pawan Gupta
Assessee is Dairy Business, manufacturing ice cream attracting excise duty, but dealers are refusing to pay excise duty, as competitors are small dairy farm and don't come under excise duty, Assessee is paying Excise duty from own Resources and debiting to Profit & loss account, I.T.O is objecting and not allowing this as deductible expenditure as they have not collected from customers & paying as statutory in dues.
Answer nowI need clarification regarding utilisation of Excise duty against service tax.
Case 1) A company buy electrical equipments, they pay excise duty on purchase of goods. They bill separately for installation of equipment and charge service tax. Can they adjust this excise duty against service tax payable?
Case 2) Same company also provide other maintenance services, on which they charge service tax. Can they adjust above excise duty against these services. Since service part in case is less, they cannot adjust more excise duty against case 1 service tax. Can they use excess excise duty unutilised against case 2?
Please clarify.
Hi gud nun to all, There r some excise purchase bills have received in July after filled up excise return for Jun month. kindly can anyone suggest me...for the necessary & proper step.. Thanks Pradeep
Answer nowI wanted to know whether the purchaser can claim excise duty credit from a retail invoice issued. Also tell me whether it is necessary that it should be mentioned on the bill that the input credit is allowable against this bill
Answer nowmr x purchase goods on 31/03/2017 qty 100 kg excise 125 total qty in stock on31/3/17 and same shown in excise return
such stock sold on 3/6/17 is purchase again show in return of ap to jun
reply on urgent
Mr X is dealer has file q4 return FY 2016-17 in which he has credit of Rs.25000.00
If he file return q1 FY 2017-18 in which he has to mention purchase below to 31/03/2017 for which Rs.25000.00 is carry forward doucment sheet.
reply on urgent
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies
Time limit of Amendment of Shipping Bills