In case of transfer of shares of small private ltd. company do we need Valuation Report before we transfer shares ?
Can we put other objects in moa ?
Also only 2 main objects r allowed in name reservation form while selecting industry code , right.?
A company with Ind AS has several JV`s All AOP. Do we need to plan tax audits only or do we need to prepare as per IND AS?
Can a Managing director of a listed company (who is already drawing remuneration under Section 197 of Companies Act, 2013) can draw professional consultancy fees from a UK based Company in which he is the only Director and Shareholder?
Sir/ Madam,
Kindly guide me on filing Form CHG 1 with ROC after 120 days.
Thank You
Can Holding company pay salary of company secretary of subsidiary company.
Both are indian companies and both are listed.
Is MGt-4,5,6 filining applicable to company formed through JV agreement where nominee shareholders are appointed and are holding shares on behalf of JV partner . Dividend is paid to paid to JV partners only.
Dear Sirs : One of my client, a Private Limited Company earned net profit (before tax) Rs.5.50 crores for period ending 31-03-2024. I undrstand that CSR is now applicable for period starting 01-04-2024 onwards. My query is (1) Party has to spend 2 % of Net profit before tax OR 2 % of net profit after tax. (2) Should I make a provision of this CSR fund in books ending on 31-03-2024 or not. Kind Regards
Private Limited company
Paid up share capital 1.74 cr
Reserves - 2.65 cr
Turnover - 47 cr
Is CARO applicable on this company
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies
Companies Law Valuation Report