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HRA exemption when rent is paid but also having own house in the same city.

21 February 2017 An employee having own house in Bangalore is staying on rent somewhere approximately 8 kms far from his own house as that house in an industrial area and backward in infrastructure like school, hospitals, stationeries, etc. His employer contends that HRA benefits can't be availed as he has own house in the same city. 1. whether HRA benefits can be claimed if the two houses are in different municipal areas.? 2. whether HRA can be claimed even if it's under same city as the assessee is actually paying rent.? 3.whther HRA benefits can be claimed if the assessee offers some house rent income on that house irrespective of locality.?! Thanks in advance. Anticipating a practically supported responses.

21 February 2017 HRA benefits will not be available if the house is situated in same city.

21 February 2017 Dear sir, Kindly solve a confusion as the rule 2A doesn't state anything

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