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Can basic excise duty is available to setoff ed.cess

This query is : Resolved 

31 December 2011 Dear Experts,

1. Can I Setofff Ed.Cess Payable and Sh.Ed.Cess Payable on Excise duty with Basic Excise duty Input?

2. Also, let me know whether Ed.Cess Payable and Sh.Ed.Cess Payable on Service Tax can be setoff from Ed.Cess and Sh.Ed.Cess input of Excise duty.

3. Vice versa of Above.

Thanks in Advance.

01 January 2012 Dear Sidhardh

1) You can setoff Basic excise duty with any duty (that includes EDU and HEDU) but EDU and HEDU can be setoff against EDU and HEDU respectively.

2) For 2nd question Yes

3) For 3rd question Yes

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