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sir, if the dealer is dealing in garments below 1000. output gst is charged @ 5%. can he claim ITC on capital goods e.g. Air conditioner & ITC on input services e.g. professional fees ?
means output gst rate is 5% with full ITC or 5% with limited ITC ?
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We r getting 2% TDS in a project related to transport services. So I wanna pay GST on this.
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One event and exhibitions company making fabrication stall for his clients. And company purchased goods and used for making stall and purchased services and used services for exhibition business. Query is that CAN company take ITC on purchased goods and availed services?
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whether accounting group can be created under
Bank Account
Or Under Investment Account
if Bank Account or Under Investment Account maintained , then what will problem arises while booking FDR
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Interest free loan given by employer to employee
For his personal consumption.
Is gst applicable to employer
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Profit From trading in MCX income tax Rate & which income head?
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Dear All
What are the list of Exampted Allowances or Head of income for salaried employees after 2025 budget (New Tax Regiam) ?
Local conveyance @ Rs 1600/- PM is still exampted for FY/25-26 tax computation or not ?
Perquisit value for rent free accomodation outside from home town location is taxable or not ?
Plz reply with notification.
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can we transfer or claim refund of Input tax credit of deceased proprietary business, actually this case is a lodge installed by ACs and other electrical transformers etc. (ITC claimed) and GST paying on rental income on running of lodge, all of sudden the proprietor demised, there is input tax credit in the business Her son is taken over the charge of said business, can we transfer said ITC to him and what is the process
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Our office services taking in bangalore(from GST holder Bangalore ) and our billing address in Hyderabad, which tax applicable IGST or CGSTand SGST
which tax applicable plz suggest
Thanking you
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My LTCG from selling a house is INR 1.8 CR. To save tax on this LTCG, I have done the following
1. Bought CG bonds for 50L
2. Bought apartment for 1.2 CR (base price). I have also paid Registration fee, Stamp duty, Surcharge and Cess totaling to 7.92L
Can I include 7.92L in offsetting the LTCG or not?
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies
GST ITC to Garment dealers