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Tuition fees

This query is : Resolved 

22 March 2012 when tuition fees is not an deductable item under section 80C

22 March 2012 DEDUTION U/s 80C – Tution Fees

1. Conditions :

i) The deduction is available to Individual Assessee and not for HUF.

ii) The Deduction is available for any two children.

2. This is the only clause u/s 80 C where assessee cannot claim tax benefit for expenditure done on himself. Means if assessee has paid tuition fees for his studies, he will not be eligible.

3. Deduction is not available for tuition fees paid for studies of spouse.

4. The deduction is available for Full Time courses only, so no deduction for part time or distance learning courses.

5. The fees should be paid to university, college, school or other educational institution, so no rebate for private tuitions.

6. Tuition fees paid for coaching courses for admission in professional courses or any other type of courses are not covered as that fees is not paid for FULL time education.

7. In This section tuition fees has a wide meaning than normal parlance means here tuition fees means total fees paid minus any payment towards any development fees or donation or payment of similar nature. so admission fees is also allowed. In My Opinion Transport charges, hostel charges, Mess charges, library fees ,scooter/cycle/car stand charges is not allowed. Building fund or any donation etc not allowed.

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