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tds on videography

This query is : Resolved 

11 November 2008 Dear friends, our company has appointed a local videographer for videoshooting of our one factory. his one bill is rs. 27000/- for this one job. thre will not be any other transaction with this videographer in the year. whether we have to deduct tds? if yes in which section 194C or 194J?

11 November 2008 its a techinal service under 194J

11 November 2008 Dear MR.Singh, why are you calling this technical service can you elaborate please?

11 November 2008 Nilesh Shah Writes:
Cell: 92246-59941
E mail: nilesh63@vsnl.com

You will have to deduct under section 194J. The fellow above says why it is classified as Fees for Technical Service. The answer is technical service is defined Explanation 2 to section 9(1)(vii).


Nilesh Shah

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