whether a private ltd co. can open any no of branches? is any permission required from ROC for the same?
Is a co can make any no of proprietorship firms and make partnerships in firms?
If so, what are the legal formalities for the same?
What is the easy method for winding up of a private limited company. Which section of the Companies act is applicable? Is it necessary to appoint Liquidator ?
Is it possible to buy back shares issued by a private limited company ?. If so what is the procedure ?
Sir, a company directors not yet received DIN and which company not filled its annual reports and and other statutory returns. Now the company wants to file DIN registration. Is it possible? what is the consequencies will affect, if the directors of the company not obtained there DIN within the prescribed time limit?
a pvt ltd company has not yet filed DIN 3 as on 1st july and it has also not yet received DIN 2 from its directors. now it wants to file Form 5 (increase in authorised share capital). can it do so pending filing of DIN 3.
What is procedure to be followed for declaring interim dividend for listed company and accounting treatment for the same
How can we file form no. 32 in case of removal of director u/s 284, if director is not accessible and his/her din is not also there, can a company reveal its responsibility to file form 23 if unable to file form, 23.
CS Dinesh Gupta
Please advise me the procedure of what to write in director report, notice of AGM, Minutes of AGM and other procedural requirements regarding change of auditor.
Please reply me in my email manojbubna@sify.com
Thank you
Manoj Bubna
Hello All,
Does it require to give notice for board meeting to a foreign director.
Also is it require to give written notice to a director who is in the same office.
Please help me.
Thank you
Manoj Bubna
may know new procedure to creat new private limited?
thnaks in anticipation.
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
whether a co can open as many branches as required and whether it can open any no of propritary firms and make partnerships