Easy Office

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19 September 2008 at 11:12

Mortgage to banks

what's difference between Registered Mortgage and Equitable Mortgage in field of banking terminology.

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18 September 2008 at 16:50

Trust and Trustee

Please advise????

Land own by a familiy

Leased out a trust on a nominal rental charges,

Can trust build up building on that and show in its balance sheet, can we do some agreement betweeen the owner and trust for devleopment of building without any consideration.

Can trust give some part of the building to its associated company to run day to day business if so what agreement is required.

Can we do cash less agreement between trust and its associated pvt ltd., company in liew of some services provided by its associated company to the Trust.

the main issue is - can we do cash less agreement

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We have Private provident fund trust. company got demerger in two companies. Pls provide what are the legar compliance we have to follow for segregation of the contributions and investment in trust.

Please provide the legal provision provision for segregation of PF Trust


Prashant Jain
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12 September 2008 at 20:16

Enquiries relating to Companies Act


I would like to know that does the Companies Act is changing completely?? If yes , then students preparing for Nov. 2009 final exams would go for old act or wait for the new act.

Prashant Jain

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12 September 2008 at 11:08

FEMA/FERA on External Commercial Borrowings

This is in regard to a public co in India not listed which is a 99 % subsidiary of a LLP in US, being held by director and some of his family members.
Goods are Purchased from a foreign country byt the indian subsidiary and payment is directly made by a director to the outside party.

This payment is treated as unsecured loans in the books.

For violating the FEMA rules, RBI imposes a fine and asks the co to comlpy with RBI interest rate guidelines and loan reg No.

Director has waived off interest completely on this loan, are there any RBI implications ?

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A Company obtained a loan of USD 500k from one of its group of companies in UK in contravention of the notification Notification No.FEMA 3 /2000-RB dated 3rd May 2000. The Company approached RBI to condone this. Would u pls help me in knowing the max penalty/fine,the company will face in this matter.


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11 September 2008 at 12:52

tacit contract

i want to about tacit contract...can u give me an example of tacit contract?

Vikas Mehta
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10 September 2008 at 15:06

Entertainment Tax applicability


My doubt is about entertainment tax applicability...
Entertainment tax is applicable on each and every activity for any entertainment event or programme.

But query is whether Ent. Tax is payable/applicable on those events where the enteries are based on the invites not by tickets?

Thanks & Regards,
Vikas Mehta

rohit saboo
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10 September 2008 at 11:25

general meetings

where there was a meeting held in a city.at the same time due to certain unavoidable circumstances(may be a bomb explosion at that place) & all the members inlusive of the chiarman died,whether the meeting shall b adjorned??as there is no 1 to take decision on such issue.

Vishnu Agarwal
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09 September 2008 at 12:46

relating to interim order

what is the meaning of interim order?