Pawan Gupta
23 February 2019 at 14:28

For year 2009

1-We used one brand in 2009 namely KELVIN for all product selling .
2-All product we buy and sell in our above brand.
3-Is our concern is tranding or manufacturing as we used our logo KELVIN in all products.
4.Our sales in that period is above Rs.2.5 crores
5.So we must have Central Excise no or not because our sales is above 1.5 cr.
6.If we should have CE no , are we the dafaulter of Excise.

Please claerify the same.
Pawan Gupta

10 March 2018 at 12:24

Epcg benefit

We are in Automobile Industry. We are Exporting our Products to South Africa through Renault. The Shipping bill is in INR & we also receiving payment from Customer in INR. Can we avail EPCG benefit?

sandeep kumar

How to Reply of Late Late Filling of ER-1 Returns and short payment of Central excise duty to the Assistant Commissioner of Goods & Service Tax

13 November 2017 at 13:28

Ea audit 2000


Any one pls send me the format of time request for EA audit 2000.
I have received audit notice, i planed to ask time for the same to prepare documents. So, pls send the format if any one have.


29 September 2017 at 11:55

Excise duty

Assessee is Dairy Business, manufacturing ice cream attracting excise duty, but dealers are refusing to pay excise duty, as competitors are small dairy farm and don't come under excise duty, Assessee is paying Excise duty from own Resources and debiting to Profit & loss account, I.T.O is objecting and not allowing this as deductible expenditure as they have not collected from customers & paying as statutory in dues.

07 September 2017 at 13:07


is it possible audit when company's proprietor was died

18 August 2017 at 16:43

Indirect tax

What is counter balance

G S Pradeep
03 August 2017 at 16:28

Utilisation of excise duty

I need clarification regarding utilisation of Excise duty against service tax.

Case 1) A company buy electrical equipments, they pay excise duty on purchase of goods. They bill separately for installation of equipment and charge service tax. Can they adjust this excise duty against service tax payable?

Case 2) Same company also provide other maintenance services, on which they charge service tax. Can they adjust above excise duty against these services. Since service part in case is less, they cannot adjust more excise duty against case 1 service tax. Can they use excess excise duty unutilised against case 2?

Please clarify.

02 August 2017 at 15:50


Hi gud nun to all, There r some excise purchase bills have received in July after filled up excise return for Jun month. kindly can anyone suggest me...for the necessary & proper step.. Thanks  Pradeep

31 July 2017 at 15:23


Date of manufacture 1-2-2017 rate of excise on 1-2-2017 12On 15th feb 2017 50 exemption notificationOn 1st of march 2017 goods removed from tariff act Date of removal of goods from factory 15th march 2017What is effective rate