ashish goel

Dear Sir,

One of our society and section 8 company wants to give loan to another society and on that loan, interest would also be charge by them. My query is whether section 8 and society can give loan to another society and would charge interest thereon as purpose of the society and section 8 company was formed for a charitable purpose. Whether chargeable interest would be considered as his non charitable income or business income.. Is society and section 8 company can charge interest on the loan and would earn interest as income.. Requested to present your views..

22 November 2023 at 14:13

Rights over Wife's Property


Request you to apprise :

A. Whether husband has or can exercise any right on the property/assets held by wife prior to the marriage?

B. Similarly what is the position in case of gifts and/or inheritance from Parents post marriage?

Thanks & Regards

rmaroon services


can we pay the half wages to labour at the time of payroll period and pay the rest amount at the time of bonus payment. ??
and it's mention in which section or gov. notification ??

Shambhavi Sabarish

As per Companies Act, 2013 a company which is a holding or subsidiary or associate of a company incorporated outside India may be required to follow a different financial year for consolidation of its accounts and may apply to Central Government who may allow any period as Financial year whether or not the period is a year. (From ICAI material)
My questions are:

1) Why will an associate company need to consolidate its FS with another company?
2) Why will the Holding company(Foreign company) in India need to follow a financial for its subsidiary outside India? Doesn't the subsidiary always follow the holding company?
2) What is meant by "any period" is taken as a financial year? Will even few months be taken as a year? If so, can any date be the balance sheet date? If an example of this is provided it will really help me .

Thank you .

14 October 2023 at 15:31

Engagement in business

We want to partner in LLP .HOW to join

10 October 2023 at 15:35

Reassignment of POA to Other.

Mr. A and B ( brother) is holding ancestral property in Maharashtra. After death of B- property was transferred to legal hairs of B.. ( B's Wife and 3 daughter and 1 son residing at Gujrat) . To liquidate the property all 3 daughter and 1 son given POA to their mother. However due to some medical issues the B's wife is unable to Maharashtra to sale the property. MY problem is
1) Whether She can reassign POA to his son or MR. A. ? if not
What is best alternative as legal hairs is not in position to give Revise POA as one of the daughter is at USA.
Whether B's wife can sign documents at GUjrat court ?
Please guide

23 September 2023 at 10:08

Trust dissolved

Kindly send the draft resolution to dissloved the trust

22 September 2023 at 17:01

EDLI admin charges

Dear Exprts,
1 The company is deducting the EPF from employees and remits the same to the statuatory authority.
2 How the company needs to account the EDLI admin charges?
3 Whether this amount can be adjusted with employer contribution?
4 If not, could you pl inform the accouting treatment for this charges

binu sukumaran
16 September 2023 at 21:59

Suspended staff salary and period

Let's me know is an employee can cliam salary during suspended period of service.
And maximum period of suspension period .
Please advise

15 September 2023 at 11:05


A piece of diverted land was sold and sale deed was registered wherein it is mentioned that the payment will be made in three instalments and accordingly post dated cheques were issued . First instalment cheque was cleared and other two instalment cheques got bounced . Based on the registered sale deed the purchaser got his name entered in the land records

What remedies are available to the seller against the purchaser. Please guide. Thanks