Utilise the 15 minutes Effectively Friends in my last article I said that this is my last article because I thought that I shared all Useful information for the May examinees. But now institute recently said that 15 min
PREPARE FOR THE BATTLE MAY 2011 Hi Friends there is only a couple of days for the exam. I Hope all are preparing well for the exam. I want to share some important tips for those who are writing their May PCC, IPCC & Final Examination
The Way to answer the case study Friends, previously in our exams ICAI use to give direct question in company law and auditing like Explain the main characteristics of the Company? But now the question paper pattern is
Although this is a Professional website but all of you are my dear friends now. So, I wanted to share my personal LOVE story (currently running) with all of you.So, Lets start a ride into my personal life. Before going check your seat belts o
Dos and Donts in Examination - Part 3 -In the Examination Hall Friends, till now we completed the two parts on this series which got the huge response from your side. The first part of this series deals with dos and d
Commitment towards success Friends do you remember that Rabbit Vs Turtle story which we learn in our lower class, let me once again tell this story to you. The Rabbit and the Turtle: One day a rabbit was bo
Dos and Donts on Exam day - Part 2 -Exam Day Preparation Dear Friends, May Exams are reaching very fast Hope all of you are preparing well for the exams. In my opinion, In your 9 months time. First 8 months are to be trea
Dos and Donts on Exam day - Part 1 Friends, many of us will write the exam very well and more confident about the exam but only some of us will clear the exam, what about the others? Where they lack? Reason: Inspite of your prepara
Friends as we are in the CA field, so that we have to give some seminars etc., after completing our CAWhy after completing CA, While in our orientation programme also we have to give seminar at the end of Programme.Some people will very shy
MY HIGH TIME TIPS TO DEAL with PRACTICAL Papers Friends, Many of us know that Practical subjects such as Accounts, Costing etc., will play a major role in all our Professional exams and also these are the subjects which are very time consuming.
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies