YU Mahesh
14 October 2023 at 19:49

Directors-Pvt Ltd company

We have a private limited company.The promoters are already designated as Directors and are on the board.
Question-Can we allocate the designation "Director" to other senior colleagues who are not on board.However they are responsible for their departments day to day activities

taxrkaa 201516

Kindly share sample project report for loan application

Sameer Joshi
15 August 2023 at 10:33

ICAI KYM and COP Surrender

I have COP. However I wish to surrender it. My KYM is also pending. Whether I should first surrender my COP and then proceed with my KYM as a member only and is this possible.

12 August 2023 at 10:54

Format of Financial statements


Please share Format of Financial statements for Non Corporate entities issued by ICAI.


sundara rajan subbiah
13 July 2023 at 11:44

Finance and income tax

As a real wisdom expert I wish to be a faculty in your forum how I will register


I am partner is a CA firm book, now want to leave as partner and want to start my own practice. Other partner and incharger partners if not give consent.
How can I complaint with concerned regional office.

Risheek Accounts
19 June 2023 at 16:44

Reduce remuneration of director

Dear Sir
Good evening

Please advice to reduce remuneration for directors

Accoun tant

Dear Experts,

We are Looking for a CA preferably in and around Chennai or Tamil Nadu to Sign on our Client's Balance sheets ( 90 % Non Tax Audit Cases simply filed under section 44AD of Income Tax Act basis the Presumptive Taxation)

Kindly send a Personal Message or answer through this query please.

02 May 2023 at 06:42

Project report for companies

While preparing project report for bank loan , should we show the depreciation rate as per companies act or as per income tax act?


We did apply for DIN through DIR-3 but the mobile number and e-mail id were in resemblance with the e-mail id and mobile number already registered and specified in DIN of some other person.
So, now I wish to change my e-mail id and mobile number for this fresh DIN allotted .
Kindly, provide some solution to this .