This year, the 23rd of April was a Thursday, a normal working day for me. I was a little surprised to get a call from my wife to go home for a lunch together, especially on a working day
There can be two answers to the above Question i.e. Yes Or No. I will talk about Chartered Accountancy being in a Mess in my article as Criticism leads to Improvement and I believe in it.Well the course is right now pretty screwed up, because of the
Accounting of Compensatory Absences (Leave Encashment Obligations) 1.This note is an attempt in the matter of accounting provisions to be made in financialreporting of enterprises for Compensatory Absences (Leave Encashment Obligations) in compliance
The article given below may help you to understand the requirement of actuarial valuation services in compliance of AS-15 (Revised 2005) under various employee benefits plans such as Gratuity, Leave Encashment , Pension, etc. :-Accounting & Discl
Many of our readers are students, pursing Professional courses, like CA, CS, CMA, etc., aiming to be a great professional in their life. While going through the studies most of us find hard to understand the meaning of some terms, words and/ or expre
Raising equity for companies via private equity (PE) route has been one of the most important aspects of the investment banking services after mergers and acquisitions. Individuals, aristocrats, syndicates and merchant banks have been providing a for
Observations in respect of Employee Benefits in compliance of Accounting Standard 15 made by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in their Journal �The Chartered Accountant�, issue of December 2012 on Page No. 999.�Non-Co
INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW ON NEW FTP CA Madhukar N. Hiregange IntroductionForeign Trade Policy, 2015-2020 (�FTP�) was unveiled on April 1, 2015 at the Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi, thus laying down a road map for India�s global tr
�Factoring� is mainly a method of providing �Post Sale Finance. Apart from other services, we are very flexible in our operations once we fix the limits. We provide finance on book
When I was in school, I used to think that achieving success in life is a pretty smooth and straight forward journey. So writing goals had no significance in my mind. Honestly, I used to find it way too complicated and even laughed at those who used
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies