rahul kumar gupta

Article assistant received completion form from ICAI. But i want to know that can CA do revised Form 108 i.e articleship completion form after received completion certificate from ICAI.

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27 November 2014 at 18:46

Holding company

A holding company is being taken over by another company and the holding company proposes to shift its all employees to its subsidiary company. can this be done? if so will the epmloyees of holding company carryon the same position in the subsidiary company.

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27 November 2014 at 16:58

Sb issue - submission in bank

Hello can we submmite EP copy of SB in absence of Exchange Control copy of SB ? Also Note a circular / Notification from RBI

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Respected CA/CS sir, There is a public company under incorporation.
Wen I am filing INC 7, I need to give 7 subscribers details along with 3 directors.
And in name field of subscriber "Surname" is mandatory to b given, And One of the subscriber of the company have no Surname as per his pan, bank statement, voter id.
If we give false surname then it is also required to verify with pan details, so pan cant be verified if we mention false surname?
What can be the solution to make a subscriber having no surname in INC 7?

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21 August 2014 at 12:24

Form 2

It is compulsory to pay C.A.B.F fees? In DD Details amount is in inclusive of CABF fees.

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07 July 2014 at 23:17

Payment of fees

when to pay annual member ship fees and how much

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CA. Pankaj Bansal
03 December 2013 at 23:13

Cpe hrs query

Whether I necessary to complete cpe hrs. Even if I m registered as ca member on 20 march 2013 during block period ending on 31 dec 2013???????

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