Companies Act 2013 has made new provisions regarding Independent Directors. There was No specific mention of Independent Directors in Companies Act 1956. Their role & responsibility was not very clear defined. The Mention of Independent Directors
History: CBDT had issued 2 circulars on 26th March 2013 relating to the selection of transfer pricing method to be adopted by Tax authorities for determination of Arms Length Price in case of research & Development units of MNCs lo
The last date of service Tax return filing for the Quarter July to September was on 30th April. Though previously it was 15th April, it was revised to 30th April. This was the return for the quarter in which many changes took place. Many notificatio
Introduction: The Ministry of Finance had come out with General Anti Avoidance Agreement (GAAR) in this buget. But due to its opposition from many quarters especially the FIIs(Foreign Institutional Investors), Government formed a expert Com
One of the announcement which was very anticipated in Transfer Pricing Arena was the Advanced Pricing Agreement (APA). CBDT released the rules on APA on 30th August. The Finance Minister had announced that the APA will be released so that the d
ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT FUND On May 21st 2012 SEBI notified the AIF regulations 2012. These are the Alternative Investment Fund Regulations will replace the SEBI(Venture Capital fund) regulations 1999 DEFINITIONS Alternative Investment Fund (AIF
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies