Articles by Sanat Biswal

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My journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant

  Sanat Biswal    03 February 2020 at 10:21

I feel as if it was yesterday when I had decided to hop into the wagon for pursuing one of those professions which very few think of doing. The memory is still afresh when I was in a complete dilemma of what to do in life ahead.

How to face CA exams?

  Sanat Biswal    28 November 2015 at 13:18

As 2015 Diwali memories have clinched to our memory storehouse and with CA exams being recently concluded a few weeks back, I ponder over how tough it must have been for the guys who were battling it out in the examination hall defying all odds when

How to make an optimum preparation for the CA exams

  Sanat Biswal    05 November 2015 at 10:38

"Chartered Accountancy", the first thought that comes to the mind is, it is very tough to clear the exams and this becomes evident by a look at the previous pass percentage results and what we get to hear from the people surrounding us. S

How does CA change one's life for the good

  Sanat Biswal    29 October 2015 at 10:50

We have all been throught the rigours of pursuing CA and we know how tough it is to handle various situations which needs us to push our limits beyond our capabilities.We can put forward several such examples to prove it like studying late night hour

Orientation Programme

  Sanat Biswal    05 October 2015 at 10:35

My experience at the Orientation Programme conducted by ICAI was a wonderful experience at Bhubaneswar. Before I had stepped into the campus prior to the OP, I was really nervous the very first day of how the programme would pan

Clearing IPCC Exams in the first attempt!!

  Sanat Biswal    01 October 2015 at 10:30

1.Preparation days(Group-1)After clearing CPT in the very first attempt in June 2013,I was very much confident and satisfied with my efforts as well.But,this time it was a bigger fish to catch and needed more dedication and sincerity as

Dreams turning to reality

  Sanat Biswal    08 September 2015 at 10:36

Phase-1(CPT)1.Preparation daysI had earlier mentioned in my previous post that I had joined CA amidst so much difficulties and confusion about what to do next in life.It w

One life changing decision

  Sanat Biswal    08 September 2015 at 10:36

CA!!! ARE YOU REALLY SERIOUS??? was exactly what I heard when I asked about CA.It was an extremely tough period for me to decide which path to choose given the circumstances.I had been a decent student all throughout