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Maximum and minimum no. of trustees

This query is : Resolved 

11 January 2012 I want to know maximum and minimum no. of trustees including office bearers allowed under bombay public trust act for a public trust registration

source of answer will be useful

12 January 2012 The Act is silent in this regard and therefore by inference even a single trustee can be on the Board. However, this is not a good or desirable practice. At the time of registration, the charity commissioner usually insists on minimum of two trustees to start and run a trust. In law, there is no maximum limit to the number of trustees on the Board of a trust. The minimum and maximum number of trustees should be clearly stated in the trust deed.

12 January 2012 The Act is silent in this regard and therefore by inference even a single trustee can be on the Board. However, this is not a good or desirable practice. At the time of registration, the charity commissioner usually insists on minimum of two trustees to start and run a trust. In law, there is no maximum limit to the number of trustees on the Board of a trust. The minimum and maximum number of trustees should be clearly stated in the trust deed.



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