Conceptual understanding takes you to success?

Durga Rao , Last updated: 12 November 2010  

I am writing this brief with lot of expectation from student community and also from the young professionals servicing the corporate world or the society. Whenever I get an opportunity, I would like to talk to students and listen to them as there are the future and as they are supposed to do well in their careers. We have seen as to how the younger generation in India is being highlighted during recent ‘Obama visit’ to India. From the experienced professionals and teachers, there will be much emphasis on the conceptual understanding of the subject and many would complain that the students lack the conceptual understanding of the subject and they are only concentrating on the rules and regulations and as to how to clear the exams.  I would like to share my views on this point with my personal experience.  During the first year of my graduation, though I was very much interested to learn everything and used to think on so many issues, I was not confident on many issues. What I was doing during my first year of graduation is to sincerely listen to the lecture, complete the syllabus and listening to the intelligent seniors in the college.  In our college, our management used to conduct good academic week-end programmes like debates, moot-courts etc. Though all students should participate in the week-end programmes, I did not participate in those programmes though I used to attend and listen to many intelligent juniors and also seniors alike at the programme.  From the beginning in my graduation, I was focusing on understanding the subject and also learning everything to the extent possible.  During second year of my graduation, there was lot of improvement in me and I was forming opinions on many important issues. During final year and when I was ready to write my final year exams, I did get some conceptual understanding of the subject and I found many interesting issues from my own thinking, analysis and research. I was thinking so deep about the issue of ‘Fundamental Rights’ and the concept when I was a student. Part-III of the Indian Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to the citizens of this country and the state is supposed secure the fundamental rights of the people.  Part-IV of the constitution deals with ‘directive principles’. The only difference between ‘Fundamental Rights’ and ‘Directive Principles’ is that a citizen can not ask for enforcement of ‘Directive Principles’ legally whereas a citizen can ask for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights guaranteed in Part-III of the Constitution of India.  The Supreme Court of India has expanded the scope of Part-III of the Constitution of India from to time and ‘right to legal aid’ etc. were also declared by the Apex Court as part of right to life and as a fundamental right. When I was a student, I was a critic of expansion of Part-III of the Constitution of India and there is no meaning in declaring something as ‘Fundamental Right’ if the same can not be secured by the State. I have submitted papers on this issue. I had my own opinion on my issues or complicated issues even when I was a student. Even after all the experience and exposure in profession, I would like to say that my learning in Law College is the foundation for everything in my professional career though a lot is to be done yet. Like-wise, I have come-out of my college with greater satisfaction knowing well that one needs to continually learn things.



Only because of my conceptual understanding of the subject to some extent, I could, at a very early stage in profession, appear against Senior and experienced advocates in the profession and had the privilege of arguing variety of matters. This is not my goal and thats a different issue, but, my subject knowledge has given me a very good recognition at a very early stage in profession and it made me to survive on my own without any contacts or the tangible support from the people or the professionals. Had I concentrated only on exams, the syllabus, the presentation etc. only, I could not have gained the required knowledge to come-up in profession. I was not a bright student in my law college in terms of examination grades, but, I did gain the conceptual understanding of the subject and it was so helpful for me later in life.





We have plenty of examples on the importance of conceptual understanding of the subject rather examination grades. You can listen and read to the success story of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Dr.Abdul Kalam, Stephen Hawking etc. and they have succeeded in their chosen careers and have got all the recognition in life due to their conceptual understanding of their chosen subject and also their contribution to the society in one way or other. In my firm opinion, the ICAI and ICSI etc. too focus on the concepts and stress the importance of the conceptual understanding of the subject. When you are conceptually strong, then, you come-up with new ideas, you can find-out the aspects requiring urgent attention and you may be in a position to suggest to the Government on many issues. This is what your real knowledge and power. You need not see the issue of completing examinations and focus on concepts as different issues. If you focus on conceptual understanding of the subject, even then, you tend to complete your course and will also get good marks. But, if you focus on examinations and as to how to complete the course rather than the interest to learn the subject, then, you may get a good placement in a Company, but, you may not be able to reach significant positions. Thus, it is important for the student community to focus on both the issue of completing the course and also conceptually understanding whatever you study.  





When the students pursuing CA or CS attempt for Finals, then, they should have complete understanding of the subject and they should deal with some interesting issues. You may not get conceptual understanding of the subject initially or while your pursue your intermediate etc., you should possess conceptual understanding of the subject when you are ready to enter the corporate world or profession after completing your course. You may have to practically learn certain issues, but, conceptual understanding makes you learn things everything very quickly and you will get all recognition at a very early stage in life. I am aware of the contribution being made by some intelligent students and young professionals. I would like to see articles or presentations from the students and young professionals with CAclubIndia.com dealing with some good issues or the subject and making some recommendations to the Government aiming at simplification of procedures or other reforms.  It is also important to present some useful points or the subject, and it is further more important to concentrate on research and work based on innovative ideas.





It is my request to the student community to pursue the course with the interest of knowing the subject well rather concentrating on completing the course as it may provide you security in life.





I would like to see presentations from the students and especially young professionals where they can suggest some reforms or recommendations to the Government through this flat-form. They can certainly do so and it is important.





I believe that younger generation has focused on the repetitive statement of President Barrack Obama that “knowledge is the currency of 21st century”.





All the best for my dear friends, the students and younger generation.





Note: I did not write this article with the intention of telling the readers about myself, but, I have presented the brief with good intention and it is only a point of view and I may be wrong completely.


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Durga Rao
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