When a student pursues his academics well, is hard-working and is getting good grades, then, everyone appreciates him or her. Then, even the friends will give all the recognition, parents will feel very proud of and relatives also openly appreciat
In the recent past, there is much talk among the business people, media and also society about Indias growth story, consequences of slow-growth rate, ways to improve the growth and taking the growth rates again to more than 8%. Growth can c
With great pain from the bottom of my heart, I have been writing this article. I have got great respect for legal profession, legal professionals and Indian Court System. I have had the privilege of reading some of the land-mark cases like
Students pursuing courses like MBA, CS, CA etc. do know that they have enormous employment opportunities in India. Chartered Accountants (CA), Companies Secretaries(CS), Industrial Bodies/Associations, ICSI & ICAI do concentrate much on enligh
I am a strong believer of youth power and their ability to make this nation prosperous and super power in the world one day. Many successful industrialists, academicians, teachers, media and even some politicians very often refers to the power of
It is known that while some loan transactions with the Bank like Housing Loan, Educational Loan etc. are very simple, some commercial loan transactions are very complex in nature. The Bank may provide various loan facilities to the Borrower and mo
Section 397/398 of the Companies Act, 1956 provides relief to the minority shareholders against the oppressive actions of the majority and the mis-management in the company. Section 399 of the Companies Act, 1956 deals with the issue as to who can
Citizens very often complain about our legal system and as to how the Courts are functioning in this country. People having experience with Courts will explain in detail as to how our system functions. Unless one is a habitual litigant misusing th
A good legal system represents good governance in the Country. We may say that India is a vibrant democracy and we may further proudly say that Indian society reflects Unity in Diversity. There are critics of democracy and they show
Company Law Board exercises very important functions under section 397/398 of the Companies Act, 1956 providing relief to the shareholders against oppression and mis-management in the Company. When a group of shareholders are oppress
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies