CA exams in olden days and the modern times

CA Satish Badve , Last updated: 15 October 2018  

The THEN period means the years 1980 to 1990 and NOW means 2011 to 2020.

THEN the examination of INTER CA and FINAL CA the pattern of the papers were fixed. The results were around 5 to 7% for Final. THEN period being more than 30 years back the write up is on the basis of working capacity of my memory and NOW is based on what I heard from my Articles Assistants & Son.

Then we have two groups for INTER CA and Two for Final CA. Passing in Inter CA is surprise to us, but in Final CA we definitely know whether we pass or fail, no element of surprise exists. The paper patterns were fixed for years with a very few changes and there was no loss if we not notice the changes. As such, we have no surprises for paper pattern, allotment of marks, set of questions, options available and the exams based on Consistency.

We have liberty to refer the suggested answers with disclaimer by the Institute, till today I know who suggested the same and whether we able to get full marks if we write same answers as suggested. After all its Suggestion only.

We have no liberty to see our answer sheets and feel sorry about how poor we appear to be come CA, once answer sheets submitted, its over. We feel the advt Fill IT, Shut IT, Forget IT. We also think the answer sheet may also not get a good price from Raddiwala. Yes we have right of recounting which we think eligible us to get a printed letter recounting is done no changes found.

To se the results and to collect the mark sheet, we have to go to ICAI Colaba, Mumbai and its very interesting to look all others our friends facing same fate. The friends those pass never stay longer may think if stay for more time there some mistake will be noticed by the institute and the result may change negative, so bhago.

There were number of our friends who get 39 marks in subject like Audit Math's/Stats but they are not feeling nervous because we think we pass Institute does not want we to be so so reduced 1 mark to make us feel. The Feel Good factor.

When I see myself pass in Both Groups of Inter CA at Colaba,which is my fifth attempt, I remember to walk till VT station, and see nothing around want to go far away from the Institute.

THEN you know we have to be eligible to give Inter CA exam by appearing SUNDAY TEST to be conducted every Sunday at SIES, Sion for all subjects. After passing these Sunday Test we use to get Eligibility Certificate to appear and fill forms for examination. I was unable to understand that, in spite of getting good marks in SUNDAY TEST why I have to take five attempts for INTER.As lot of students feel so , & may be for this reason the Institute have given us Eligibility Certificate for Final CA without giving any test.

But the Consistency plays vital role there were no more surprises from both the sides i.e. from us as well as from Institute, We both played very well It was a test match have two evenings and five days to play with one day rest, (after passing Inter CA we have to skip one attempt to appear for Final CA)

If we pass or fail there will be no surprise element for both either to the Institute or to Student.


NOW , the period 2011 to 2020, the time you friends appearing for the CA Exam. There are lot of surprises in % of results, I know students concluding whether they pass or fail on the basis of the percentage of results. They say, YaAr 22% result aata na to jarur pass hota.

There are Surprise in every elements, papers, paper patterns, and ever changing & updating day in day out syllabus. Now a days institute wants students to learn very fast, i.e. dynamic students. There are changes and updating in course, syllabus, results and paper checking also. To be precise Now is based on Surprises.

Students have availability of RTP just like Question Bank where students likely believe, more guess that the examination paper will have questions from RTP as the same is published before every exam. As such , they have RTP before exam Suggested after exam. The days is not far when there will be TP book during the exam.

Now , students have liberty to see, their answer sheets but I think they are available only to feel that you have passed but no result is fail. In some cases this may help I improvement in writing subsequent papers.

NOW, you can see your results & mark sheet in close room on internet, and wait who call first, and prepare for the response on the results.

The syllabus is vast and number of subjects are more, changes are fast, and hence exams are like fast food, quick relief but not good for overall health.

Now, the CA exams I feel is twenty twenty match, very little time to settle and if not played fast chances of win will be reduced. The pattern develop is either to win or loose mind set for each attempt.

To Conclude NOW and THEN are not comparable but NOW is not that difficult to achieve i.e. to become CA. If you pass Institute Surprised Are pass ho gaya. How? If you fail you Surprised.


Some of the points which helps me to pass out and become CA are listed below. I hope some of them will defiantly have some help to NOW for success.

1. Best in one Subject:

You have to become very through in at last one subject in a group. We call Then Expert Knowledge in that subject and Reasonable working knowledge in rest of the subject in each group. The Expert knowledge subject will score aggregate for the group and the reasonable working knowledge of rest of subject will get you passing marks. When I pass my Inter CA I got 69 in Second Account and Financial Management in first group and that score the aggregate for both the groups.

2. Prepare & be ready for Surprises:

Ready for thought that all your assumptions about question paper may not hold good. Every question ball is different and you have to device quick strategy and face each one separately.

3. Appear Each Time as if it is your First Attempt:

Clear your memory for all past attempts and papers, look at paper as if its your first. Each attempt is your first attempt to pass.

4 Surprise to Institute:

Be confident and ready and decide that you will make Institute to surprise be passing this attempt. Feel that Institute will not dare to fail you this time.

5. Trust, Faith for Success:

When I have given my fifth attempt for Inter CA, I use to bring two or three pens for writing the answer sheets. First I write Gajanan Prasanna on Siddhivinayak Photo and ask him now you write the exam I have already written four times and would not write now, you write for me, and use these pens to write answer sheet and I pass, how can Institute fail Gjanana. I think faith/trust in the examination hall gives peace of mind, determination to appear and be in present.

6. Focus:

Whenever I go for exam, I think how, the station, college, Hall look after my passing out and I enjoy the feeling, now I say nothing changes but it gives feel good factor and mindset that something will change positively after passing.

7. Be Stress Free:

Otherwise you don’t but do some puja, we use to go mandir while going to paper. Talk about anything other that examination at least two hours before the exam. Watch hear the best of laughter challenge.

8. Do not Discuss:

Never discuss the subject , topics, preparation, expected questions and finally answers during the exam days. In any case, we have little option of improvement by discussion. Assume you have done all right thinks and know better than everyone and Institute also.

9. Feel Finished Study:

We have tendency, to feel whatever is left over, and no thought about whatever is done. Feel there is nothing more I can do and I have come to the end of study which is enough to require for the exam and that much which require me to pass. Feel and think that the required study is over and well in advance. Be Gandhiji to my mind he was the most successful because he knew where to stop.

10. After becoming CA you are on the Top of the World:

The great job offers, nevertheless great marriage offers are waiting for you becoming CA and you are only one step to be there. somebody rightly said Success will come at the last stage of Failure feel this is the last.

11. Device your own strategy:

Do not go with the others strategy for studying, device your own strategy and this will only help. Read, Hear all but decide your own. In CA Exam only individual none other than your own strategy of study works. My on says he passed out by studying the suggested answers not the subject but probability analysis of questions which may come in his attempt based on previous suggested of five years and he think it works he has questions for 60 marks and he pass.


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CA Satish Badve
(Professional Practice)
Category Exams   Report

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