Articles by CMA Mrudula M

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Is it all worth it?

  CMA Mrudula M    17 February 2021 at 15:57

Have more than 1 option for the pathway you choose to take up, to achieve that goal (Eg. It can either be CA or CMA or CS; It can be MBA from abroad or IIMs; It can be an Indian professional qualification or foreign).

Company Secretary : Role, Duties and Responsibilities

  CMA Mrudula M    10 February 2021 at 17:12

Let us take a look at the role of a Company Secretary for creating the required compliance environment in an organization for its Long term + Sustainable Development.  

Cleared your CA Finals? What is the next step?

  CMA Mrudula M    05 February 2021 at 17:18

Congratulations on your results! You must have got interview calls from various employers. For many, this is the starting point of professional life. So now what is the next step? Let us discuss.

Union Budget 2021-22 | Highlights

  CMA Mrudula M    02 February 2021 at 09:21

Discussing the major highlights of Part A - Vision for AtmaNirbhar Bharat and Part B - Tax Proposals of the Union Budget 2021, which was based in 6 pillars.

Three cheers for life

  CMA Mrudula M    02 February 2021 at 09:20

This article is for all of us who are awaiting results for the November 2020 CA examination, which we believe would be the foundation stone for our career.

Starting Up From Scratch - A Wise Choice?

  CMA Mrudula M    28 January 2021 at 09:49

What do you think is the most viable career choice post-qualification? Being an employee or employee generation? Let us discuss.

It is time to look back at - Why GST and what exactly is it?

  CMA Mrudula M    18 January 2021 at 09:58

This article explains how GST is the need of the hour. A comparison between the old tax system and GST has been madeon the basis of rates, levy & collection, cascading effect and ease of business.

Role of professionals in nation building

  CMA Mrudula M    14 January 2021 at 10:33

In this article, we discuss the roles and responsibilities of professionals in the building of a nation and how they can work in an ethical, industrious, skilful, competitive and cultural environment.

What is Integrity?

  CMA Mrudula M    13 January 2021 at 09:54

In this article, we understand the detailed meaning of Integrity and how we come across some specific scenarios where we have to consciously make our choices when our level of integrity could be questioned.

CA vs CMA vs CS

  CMA Mrudula M    07 January 2021 at 09:28

Each profession has its role in an organization for it to conduct activities and succeed. In this article, we draw a comparison between three of the most sough-after courses i.e. CA, CS, and CMA.