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Teachers of ca

This query is : Resolved 

13 February 2016 I have one query regarding the teachers who teaches the professional course but still lacks somehow. I am not a person who can judge but I see these small loop holes in institute.. as simple as time management . I always wonder how we can tell a teacher is an expert in his subject. I just don't happen to see an expert way of teaching in my studying period. I wonder how can I decide what to choose ! how to choose. ! why can't teachers be the same as they seem to be in the first day of class .

14 February 2016 well. isn't it the basic marketing that you get the client hooked in by giving the best at the start!

as a student, it is important that if you are going to base your preparation on coaching, then do a thorough research on teachers before you pay the fees. ask your seniors who may have attended same coaching center etc.

but above all, it all boils down to self-preparation.

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