Practical approach for Professional Course with Self study: Part-1

CMA Ramesh Krishnan , Last updated: 12 September 2013  

Introduction: In the present competitive scenario, doing professional course is the basic requirement for any career field, even after completion of graduation and joining with some jobs, most of us trying to do some professional course due to upgrade our career to next level. Many of us we are joining but some of us only we are completing the courses successfully and some of us left the course without finishing or struggling to finish the course with doing job. Due to job requirement and time restrictions, we unable to go to the coaching classes and tuitions. So most of us trying to do self study and complete the course. But how much self study will work out is the question, also most of the people has doubt about whether self study can help to complete the course. In this article, I would like to discuss about some points which helpful to do self study for professional course. This article. I wanted to cover in 2 parts, out of which first part will cover the basic points and part 2 will be covered the tips for doing self study.

1. Proper planning: Planning is the basic key for the self study, first we need to plan for the group which we are going to appear, it can be either one group or both groups, this should be planned properly. In many cases, people are planning for both groups while starting and when exam comes near, they just go ahead with one group due to fear or some other reasons. This will spoil the time which available for the preparation. So plan your group which you are going to appear to the exam well in before and prepare accordingly.

2. Time management: Time management will play very crucial role in the self study. While taking coaching classes or oral coaching, your time will be managed according to your class timings due to requirement to attend the classes. How ever, while doing self ;study your time need to be managed by your self without any requirement. Based on your timings, you should allot the time for your studies. Here most of the people may have question that daily how many days will be studied. But how ever there is no hard and fast rule for studying hours, it will be depends up on the person to person, it may wary. Time management will include preparation of study time table also.

3. Interest & Concentration: Studying with interest and concentration only can help in self study. Because here there is no teacher or tutor, Both teacher and coacher is yourself, so attend the studies with full interest and concentration. As I mentioned in the point no:2 about the hours of study, a person studying without interest and concentration no use, if you are studying with full interest and concentration less hours also will be very effective. So study with interest and concentration.

4. Self motivation: While doing course with coaching, we may have so many motivating factors, during classes and interaction with tutors and others, but in self study this will not available. So we need to have self motivation for the study. Because self motivation is the factor to give more pressure and interest on your studies.

5. Self confidence level: Self confidence is the weapon for success in anything in our life. Every human being having self confidence, but the level of self confidence only decide their achievement in any task. Without self confidence, we may lose even well know task, but we can success when doing some new task also with self confidence. While doing self studies for the professional course, our self confidence level should be reasonably high, then only you can complete the course. Self confidence will also improve your involvement and commitments to the studies

6. Clear strategies: During self studies, our strategies will be very clear and it will not aim only the object as complete the course, it also aim to understand the subject knowledge in very conceptually. Because studying with conceptual understanding will save your time to study again and again due to forgetfulness.

7. Never give up approach: For doing professional course anyone should have the never give up approach, because professional course sometime test our patience too much and also while self studies lot of factor to distract our studies either personally and officially, but need to have strong never give up mind set to come out those and study and compete the course.

We will discuss about some tips for self studies in the Part-2.

All the best


CMA Ramesh Krishnan

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Published by

CMA Ramesh Krishnan
(Cost & Management Accountant)
Category Students   Report

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