My views on effectively using CAclubIndia

Durga Rao , Last updated: 17 February 2010  


I am very happy to frequently visit professional websites like CAclubIndia. As I believe, CAclubIndia provides a platform for useful discussion among the students and the professionals closely connected to Corporate World. I personally believe in the fact that knowledge is power and it gives strength and ultimately “strength respects strength” as our great Dr.Kalam Said.


To acquire knowledge, we require discussions and knowledge sharing, apart from self-preparation. The technological revolution has made this world interconnected and brought people around the world much closer. I can learn everything about Barrack Obama sitting in my office as I can listen all his speeches and documentaries through youtube.com and through other websites. The technology can be better used for development and also misused. Only through this technological advancement, many of us come together, share knowledge, develop contacts and discuss things through a professional site like CAclubIndia.


I believe that CAclubIndia is the top professional platform bringing many students together and making them to visit the site very frequently.  I am very happy to see the student participation in CAclubIndia.


I personally want to see more participation of professionals and corporates in CAclubIndia. There should be a good interaction between professionals and student community.


I personally thank all the participants of CAclubIndia who contributes something to the site and provides valuable information to the students. I want to see CAclubIndia as a professional platform adhering to standards though it has succeeded in expanding the student network to a great extent.


We should encourage all the participants of CAclubIndia.


As I believe, it is very difficult to draw a line between a professional network and a social network these days. Though, a network is purely meant for professionals, if they discuss social issues than professional exchange of views and sharing of information, then, it can not be said that the network is professional. It is very difficult to draw a line.


When I look at the participation of students and professionals in CAclubIndia, I find that some are using this platform to enhance their knowledge, to share their views and exchange useful information. Again, it appears to me that some are misusing this network creating all the nuisance and it may hurt good and genuine people at times.


There tend to be a person who creates all the nuisance.  For example, look at the comments being made in response to a wonderful videos presented by youtube.com. Though, the video is top class and purely academic, you can find usage of all vulgar language. It happens and we can not prevent those nuisance.


Infact, once, I have decided not to write anything in CAclubIndia looking at one comment which has hurt me to a great extent. Then, I have realized that it all happens and we should simply ignore those things.


It is also true that, as the CAclubIndia has more participation of students, one tend to get attracted to opposite sex and its natural. If one finds the profile of a student who also makes her photo available, then, such a profile tends to get attract more members and they tend to visit that profile. We can not find fault with all these things and its all natural and happens.


There tend to be members who always try to have communication with girls or female and vis a vis.


Even while a genuine member tries to have a good exchange of views, it may lead to misunderstanding.


A member of CAclubIndia who wants to build useful contacts, share knowledge, exchange views, should not lay focus on all this useless things and they should simply ignore all these things.


I want all the members to adhere to standards, ensure participation of professionals and eminent and so that CAclubIndia can truly be professional network.


I appreciate the administrators of CAclubIndia for making such a good platform and keep it going despite some nuisance.


My dear students could have heard the inspirational personality Barrack Obama and I would like to present his address to the student community in the recent past and please listen to him and try to understand what he says through the link or url link below.






I have expressed my views looking at one message and consequential things in the recent past.

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Durga Rao
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