Dear ICAI, We the students need answers

Malay. , Last updated: 22 June 2020  

The ICAI in its "opt-out" notification dated 15th June 2020 said, "A large number of students showed a strong desire to appear as per decided schedule". The question here arises that how did ICAI receive the opinion and desire of students when no such official communication has taken place. A live session was done by the Institute with students but that definitely doesn't convey the desire of a large number of CA students. Or maybe the ICAI also uses twitter to know about the opinion of students.

The bigger question here is: Why ICAI, which is a decades-old institution, has not developed an official communication channel where grievances and issues of students are heard and redressed in a timely and responsible manner? Why do the students have to unite and trend any issue on twitter just so the ICAI can take note of it? Why do students have to depend every time on influential teaching faculties to send across their problems to the institute? Isn't the ICAI answerable to their students?

CA students and CA's are taught to be proactive in every situation. But why is their own governing body so reactive?

Dear ICAI, We the students need answers

Why can't ICAI think through every aspect of an issue and release a notification which includes all details relating to it? The notification which provides little clarity is increasing the anxiety among the students who are already tensed. Why is the FAQ for any matter issued after 2-3 days when there is an uproar among students about it?

20th June was the last day for students to opt-out for July 2020 exams. Students were put under pressure to make a decision whether to opt-out or not within 3 days and they did by that day. But ICAI at 11:45 pm on 20th June realized that the time given is insufficient. So they released a notification extending the time by 7 days at midnight. This shows how inconclusive ICAI itself is about this issue but they expected decisions from students almost instantly. This notification at night has given more weight to conspiracy theories floating among the CA students that ICAI wants a large number of students to opt-out so it can get government approval but too less opted out and therefore the time extension. Is the opt-out scheme a plan to opt-out of responsibility?

ICAI must realize that its irresponsible actions are giving rise to these suspicions and not due to the influence of any outside force. Another important question would be Why are some of the CCM 's of ICAI openly advising the students to opt-out?


Dear ICAI, a template answer of "Just study, students. Don't indulge in anything else." is not expected of you this time. This is to let you know that we, the students, are studying but would not keep quiet on any injustice done to us. We are putting our life at stake for the exams and careers. Please don't play with our mental health and harm us with your ambiguous and untimely decisions/ notifications. We consider you as our mother's body but we, the students, also expect you to consider as your own children. We have the utmost respect for you but answers to the above questions are expected from you.


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