Highlights of Composition Scheme under GST

NITIN GOYAL , Last updated: 06 April 2017  

Several significant milestones towards the smooth role out of GST have already been achieved by the government. Four Major bills relating to GST have already been passed by Lok Sabha. All major rules for implementation of GST have also been issued in public domain.

In order to give a big relief to MSME sector, government has made a significant reduction in composition rates:

  • Earlier it was proposed to levy 1% composition rate for trader and 2.5% for manufacturer.
  • Further composition scheme was not allowed for a supplier of services.
  • Now in the bill as passed by Lok Sabha, 1% rate is proposed for a manufacturer instead of earlier 2.5%.
  • Further 0.50% of composition rate is proposed in case of a trader instead of earlier 1%.
  • Further the composition scheme is proposed to be made available to Restaurant Sector with a composition rate of 2.5%.

Further Requirement to seek permission from proper officer for composition scheme is dispensed with under the GST Law as passed by Lok Sabha.

Highlights of Provisions relating to Composition Scheme are as follows:

1. Scheme is available if Aggregate Turnover in the preceding financial year did not exceed Rs. 50 Lakhs.

2. Intimation by assessee if opting for Composition Levy:

Sr. No.


Requirement to Intimate

Relevant Form

Additional Requirement (If any)


Migration from old tax regime

Either prior to appointed day, or within 30 days from that day.


Furnish the details of stock in Form GST CMP-03 within 60 days from the date of opting composition.


New Registration

He may opt to pay tax under composition while filing registration form



Already Registered and paying normal tax

Prior to commencement of the Financial Year for which option is being exercised


Furnish a Statement in Form GST ITC-3 in respect of its Stock within 60 days from commencement of financial year.

3. Effective date for composition levy:

Sr. No.


Effective Date for Composition Levy


Migration from old tax regime

Appointed date


New Registration

Effective Date of Registration


Already Registered and paying normal tax

Commencement of the Financial Year

4. Rate of Tax under the Composition Levy:

Sr. No.

Category of Registered Persons

Rate of Tax


Manufacturers, other than manufactures of notified goods



Supply of goods being food or any other article for human consumption or any drink (except alcoholic liquor for human consumption)



All other eligible supplier


5. Composition Scheme is not available to a person if:

  • He is engaged in supply of services except supply of goods being food or any other article for human consumption or any drink.
  • He is engaged in making any supply of goods which are not leviable to tax under this act.
  • He is engaged in making any Inter-State outward supply of goods.
  • He is engaged in making any supply of goods through Electronic Commerce Operator who is required to collect TCS.
  • He is a manufacturer of notified goods.
  • He is a casual taxable person or a non-resident taxable person.
  • He is a dealer registered under earlier taxes being migrated to GST regime, and goods held in stock by him on the appointed day have been purchased from other state/ Imported/ received from branch situated outside the state.
  • He is a dealer paying normal taxes under GST and subsequently opting for composition scheme, and the goods held in stock by him have been purchased from an unregistered person if he had not paid the taxes under reverse charge on those goods.

6. Restriction for Composition Levy:

  • He shall not collect any tax from the recipient on supplies made by him
  • He shall not be entitled to any credit of input tax.
  • He shall issue Bill of Supply instead of Tax Invoice for every supply made by him.
  • He shall mention the words "composition taxable person, not eligible to collect tax on supplies" at the top of the bill of supply issued by him.
  • he shall mention the words "composition taxable person" on every notice or signboard displayed at a prominent place at his principal place of business and at every additional place or places of business.
  • He shall pay tax under Reverse Charge on inward supply of goods or services or both received from un-registered persons.

7. Withdrawal from the Composition Scheme:

Sr. No.


Time Limit

Relevant Form

Additional Requirement


Voluntary Withdrawal by the assessee

Before the date of such withdrawal


In case of withdrawal from composition, a statement containing details of Stock needs to be filed in Form GST ITC-01 within 30 days from the date of withdrawal from composition.


Ceased to satisfy any of the conditions of composition levy

Within 7 days of occurrence of such event



Withdrawal by Proper Officer:

If he has reason to believe that the registered person was not eligible to pay tax under composition or has contravened any such provisions

SCN to be Issued by Officer


Reply to SCN to be submitted within 15 days of receipt of SCN.


Issue of Order by Officer within 30 days of receipt of reply to SCN.


Disclaimer: This write up is based on the understanding and interpretation of author and the same is not intended to be a professional advice.

The author is a Chartered Accountant and can also be reached at goyalcanitin@gmail.com

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