Articles by Rupal

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Analysis of SEBI’s Operational guidelines for Transfer and Dematerialization of re-lodged physical shares

  Rupal    07 December 2020 at 09:58

SEBI vide Circular No. dated 2nd Dec 2020 came up with operational guidelines for crediting the transferred shares into the respective demat account of the investor, with inputs from stakeholders.

Elements And Process Of Forensic Audit For Corporate

  Rupal    07 August 2020 at 15:00

Forensic audit is the process used to examine an individual's or a company's financial information for use as evidence in court. It helps to detect diversion of funds, wilful defaults and window dressing of financial statements

MSMEs and Role of Professionals in Self Reliant India

  Rupal    18 July 2020 at 14:13

MSME sector is the spine of the Indian economic structure and has interminably acted as the bulwark for the Indian economy, providing it buoyancy to fend off global economic shocks and adversities.