Service Tax Articles

CENVAT Credit on mobile phones

  Atul Jain    05 July 2007 at 02:54

CENVAT credit is allowed to output service providers in respect of input services consumed by them used in providing output service.It is often argued that CENVAT Credit is not allowed on Service Tax paid on mobile phones.Argument is backed by Circul

When CENVAT meets Service Tax

  CA Ramanujam S    12 May 2007 at 01:24

When CENVAT meets Service TaxThe following are the points of importance when considering a combined interpretation of CENVAT Credit and Service Tax provisions:1. Credit will be available of exciseduty paid on inputs used for providing output services


  shipra walia    26 March 2007 at 01:41

New Service proposed to be added in the service tax is Property rent service. A dilemma is spread in the blood wounds of all the property owners receiving the rent against the thought of paying the service tax on the rent collected.Mr Finance Ministe