Is 6 Hours per Day Enough?

Santhosh Poojary , Last updated: 01 July 2011  

As all you know that its common  question specially  among the students who are pursuing their CA CS CWA courses along with 8 or 10 daily working hours, like article students, Students managing their studies along with job etc,

I well remember those days when I was very new to CCI and just I had cleared my CPT level and was planning for my IPCC and CWA studies,


Even I have asked many questions over CCI regarding minimum and maximum working Hours required for clearing  IPCC and CWA inter level exams


But well, after completing almost 2.5  Precious years in  CCI   with proper  tips from friends ,Seniors and  clearing my inter level exams ( 1st groups)  I came to  the conclusion that   even 5 to 6  study Hrs per day is enough to crack the exams.


I thought of writing an article based on my own experience regarding minimum daily study Hrs required to clear an inter level exam specially for working students and students managing their studies along with article ship


Initially I was very confused , scared  and used feel down coz I had to manage my studies along with my daily working Hrs ( 10 working Hrs)


I hardly managed to devote maximum 4 to 5 daily routine Hrs because of hectic working schedule , and I used to raise such questions over CCI  and in my friends Circle for motivating myself , but probably  always used to get  replies like at least Daily 8 to 10 Hrs study is required for clearing professional exams !  but ha there are  some exceptional cases too.


Yes its 100 % true that quality study matters than quantity one, but it doesn’t mean that studying  2  or 3 hrs daily will make things happen, we need to allocate minimum hrs to complete the  whole syllabus at least with conceptual study.


Would like to share some tips  and guidance based on my own experience that  how studies could be managed even after daily busy working Schedule.


1. Coming Back to studying After 8 or 10 working Hrs :

Up course it very hard to forcing our brain to study after coming from  office completing whole day work. its my own experience that after coming from office we usually feels tired , we need to boost our energy level and mental strength  to making sure that we are completing our daily task as we don’t have other source of time except daily Hours.


2. Routine Study :

first  15 days or One month its goes well with good spirit but after that we can see that the level of spirit falling down gradually, it usually happens with all students so no need to worry about this, just need to continue doing our daily task it  may  result in some extent of relaxation.


But routine study or consistency study is very important for achieving desired result.

3. What you mean by Effective study ? :

In simple language effective study means smart study, instead of going through all pages printed in the books, it can be studied conceptually also, which will take less time too.


In each and every chapter there is some concept which we need to understand and should be able to present it in our own way. That’s it.


Some examples of effective studies are :

a) Identifying "Best Time" for Studying:

b) Study Difficult Subjects First:

c) Use Distributed Learning and Practice: .

d) Make Sure the Surroundings are Conducive to Studying:

e) Try to Combine Activities

f) Study with proper Concentration etc.


4. Never pressurize yourself self :

Its common that as we get  very rare amount of time for studying the whole syllabus, it may cause pressure, which will result in to frustration so better avoid pressure and be cool, calm and relax while studying.


5. Refreshment is  compulsory:

Even if we are studying 4 or 5 hrs daily then to interval refreshment is must Which will help brain to recollect the things easily

By taking breaks and doing something totally different during said breaks, the mind can sublimate the info, and thus it sticks in your head better. Think of it as pouring water into a funnel. If you pour a bit, wait, and then pour some more in, it goes a lot smoother than just trying to pour all the water in and having the funnel overflow. Same concept..


6. Be sure that  whatever you did its enough to crack:

We should be in that confidence that whatever we studied or prepared is enough to crack the exam, boosting self confidence is very important during the examination days


The person who has a history of victory has learned from those victories and fully expects to be victorious in future endeavors. The confident person is not afraid to tackle new issues or face new problems. Problems and situations are nothing but a challenge.

7. Compulsory Revision in the Morning:

In the morning before leaving for the office make sure that you have revised well whatever you studied in the last night


According to me until unless you revise properly then no use of such study , you won’t be able to recollect it, So Revision is Must.


8. Regarding Minimum no of working Hrs:

Frankly speaking there is no exact number of study hours ,its depends on person to person, at last quality and conceptual  study matters , but we will have to make sure that we are completing whole syllabus first,

In my case someday I couldn’t  even managed to study 3 Hrs, even though I managed to complete syllabus by covering that portion in very next day.


Conclusion :

Whatever I have written in this article is based on my own experience and knowledge,


Thanks & Regards


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Santhosh Poojary
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