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Is success an individual effort? Our unsung heroes

CA Anurag Sharma , Last updated: 15 March 2021  

Today, I am going to discuss a very pertinent topic. We often listen and create success stories, but do we realize and thank the people behind those stories? The unsung heroes who stood like a wall behind you, who believed in you when you yourself lost that belief. Those unsung heroes can be your parents, your siblings or anyone.

Yesterday I was noticing a hawker buying an ice-cream for his kids. He didn't eat the ice-cream but the charm on his face was evident when he was seeing those kids happy eating that ice-cream. Did you feel this charm on the face of your parents when you succeeded? We all enjoy those moments of pride when we say," I did it". But somewhere are those eyes looking at us from some corner with that evident charm on their face.

I could feel my parents happier than me when I became CA. Success is never an individual. I remember reading the autobiography of Dr. Kalam where he gave the credit of his success to his parents and brother-in-law. The great paintings can never be made by a single colour. 

Is success an individual effort  Our unsung heroes

You own your success to those individuals. You are going to relish these moments of pride forever, but never forget those unsung heroes who stood by you in your tough times. Their stories go unheard in the backdrop, but we all know the relentless efforts those people put in to make our story a success. These people are those source of inspiration which we always looked up to when we were down.

Sachin became Sachin because he had his brother, his parents and a coach who believed in him when the world didn't know him. They backed his hard work to make him the legend that he is now.

You owe your success to those people who stood by you when the world didn't; people who encouraged you to try once more when your failed; people who backed you to take one more step when you were to give up.

Let me tell you an incident from my own life when we moved to a new city completely broke. Our landlady where we used to live in a single room kitchen told my mom that to employ your kid to some tea stall, he would atleast earn a penny. How will you teach him with the financial condition that you have. I was in 4th standard that time. What had happened if my mom had given up then?


The day I became CA, I narrated those lines to my mom again and said "We did it". Unlike many of you, I couldn't afford coaching. It was mainly self-study which sailed me through. 


Acknowledge the people who held your hand when you needed someone to hold on to you. Yes, it requires your endless hardwork and efforts, but that hardwork and efforts will be of no value without the support of our unsung heroes.

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CA Anurag Sharma
(CA )
Category Students   Report

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