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30 March 2015 e have filed the Origial TDS return for the above mentioned FY and Quarter with some deductees with PANNOTAVBL option but with a TDS rate specifed therein in the sections. After that we got the actual PAN for the above deductees and filed a correction form and the TDS amount credited to all account properly. But we are receiving demand notice stating that, you have mentioned PAN for some deductees as PANNOTAVBL but you have not deducted TDS at higher rate, hence you have the pay the difference in TDS. Eventhough we filed the correction return with correct PAN numbers we are still receiving the demand notice stating the same error. At the time of original filing we are unable to collect some PAN hence we mentioned in the return as PANNOTAVBL. This does not mean that the deductees does not having PAN, we are unable to get the PAN from deductees at the time of filing of return and obtained the same after some time and then we filed returns with correct PAN.
Now what to do... give some resolution...

30 March 2015 You have to approach your TDS circle ITO and give the clarification in writing with clear explanation. Traces will generate the default notices based on the predefined criteria. even some time department people are accepting there may be error in the default notice itself. so give one clarification letter in writing with reference to your Traces default notice and get acknowledgement, if any possible way to outcome ITO will suggest you.

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