Want to Clear CA Final in 90 Days?

CA KULDEEP KUSHWAHA , Last updated: 04 February 2017  

This article is for Candidates who have already appeared in CA final Examination and yet to clear.

Before you start journey of these 90 days always keep in mind that:

You have already completed the syllabus and you have learnt and read it, so you just have to focus more on your weaknesses, points where you stuck and the main reason behind your underscore.

No matter how much you will read, how many times you will read, your result will depend on the performance made by you in during three hours of examination so prepare yourself from Day 1 to perform your best during those important three hours of your career.

General Reasons behind underperformance is not attempting full paper, under confidence, lack of positivity and weak recalling capacity and sometimes higher expectations may also results mismanagement during examination.

Attitude matters a lot: “Arise, Awake and Achieve”

Be positive and confident as it matters much in preparation and performance. Remember that FAIL means First attempt in learning, Unsuccess contains Success in itself, Impossible itself says that I am possible and NO means Next Opportunity.

In the words of Swami Vivekananda, “Never lose faith in yourself, you can do anything in the universe.

Success is not a distance Dream for the determined and people with Never Give up Attitude.

During these 90 days, sometimes you might be  got pressurized, find studies boring and cumbersome, in that kind of situation remind yourself that you are just few steps away from your dreams and recall the how far you have come.  Also in the words of Dr. A PJ Abdul Kalam:

Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.

Sleeping 7 hours in night or 6 hours in night & 1 hour in noon is must and enough. Early Morning reading and Pranayama (like Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom) will boost your concentration and it will result in greater efficiency. Avoid Social Media like Whatsapp, Facebook.

Plan for first 60 Days (1st Feb to 1st April): Classifying and completing Syllabus in A, B, and C category.

Classify and complete A and B category topics with full perfection and complete C category as per your timing and priority. It must be noted that total maximum marks are 928(116*8) out of which you have to attempt 800(100*8) marks and 400 marks are needed to achieve your dream. It is advisable to prepare best for 85 marks rather than preparing average for 100 marks.

Complete the Syllabus not just by reading it and counting chapters, focus on learning of each topics and recall it continuously. Explain yourself before going to sleep on daily basis whatever you have learnt today.  Write down the important points and questions that will help in revising quickly during examination according to your understanding and estimation. Use mnemonics and drawings to remember points and key words quickly, It will also help in writing answers more accurately in exam.

Practice Manual, RTPs of last 3 Attempts, Suggested Answers of last attempt and Tests are one of the important keys to Success.

Here an example for classifying Syllabus is given, you should classify it as per your analysis and importance.

Paper No.

A (Most Important)

B (Important )

C (Less important)


Amalgamation, Valuation, AS, Mutual fund & NBFC, Share Based Payment

CFS, Development in Financial Reporting  , Financial Instruments

Ind AS, Guidance Notes


Forex, Portfolio, Security Analysis, Capital Budgeting, Supplementary

Mutual Fund, Merger & Acquisitions, Leasing, Dividend Policies

Derivatives, Factoring


Professional Ethics, Company Act provisions, Audit Report, Audit under Fiscal Laws,

Standards on Audit, Bank Audit, Peer Review, Management, Internal and Operational Audit, Special Audit Assignment

Other Remaining Topics


Directors Provisions, SEBI, SCRA, Accounts and Audit, FEMA

Winding up and Remaining Topics of Company Act, Banking Act, Insurance Act, Competition Act

Remaining Topics and Interpretation of Statutes


Operation Research, Development in Business Environment, Transfer Pricing, Budget

Pricing Decision, Standard Costing, Service Sector

CVP Analysis and Remaining Topics


Chap. No. 8,6,3,2

Chap. No. 5,7,1

Chap. No. 4


MAT, AMT, TDS, DTAA, PGBP, Cap. Gain, Amendments, Assessment Procedure, Trust, Deductions, Settlement Commission, Advance Rulings, Penalties and Prosecutions

Remaining Topics (except Deduction for SEZ, Tonnage Taxation Scheme, Advance Tax, Miscellaneous Topics, Tax Planning)

Topic excluded in B


Entire Service Tax, FTP, Computational based Topic of Excise and Custom, Baggage Rule

Amended and Previously asked procedures of Excise and Customs, Penalties

Common Provisions and Topics not Covered in A or B

Plan for Next 30 Days (2nd April to 1st May): Recalling and Revising

Recall all the subjects by seeing name of Topics and thinking whatever you had learnt. Go through in detail wherever necessary is, solve few questions in writings of practical topics.

ISCA and Audit should be prepared on daily 2 - 3 hours each for first 26 days, focus on the Technical words and Points.

Recall and revise Paper - 5, 7 and 8 in first 19 days and Paper - 1 and 2 in last 11 days. Recall the Paper - 5 by considering the extra holiday, so give lesser time to it in these 20 days.

Prepare plan for examination days based on reading and recalling of these 30 days.

During Examination: (Most Important)

Solve first question that you know perfectly and most correct then solve in this order remaining questions. To the point answer using technical words, reference to statutory background & standards and with conclusion will definitely give good result. At last review your entire answer sheet and highlight important words and headings.

Studies should be closed at least 1.5 hour before of exam time to feel relax and keep rest your mind. After examination forgot about the previous paper and start preparing for next one without wasting time.

On result day everyone will define you based on your result, not by problem you faced, situation you undergone and the pain you suffered, So Think High, Plan High, Modify it as Needed, Eat healthy, Drink plenty of water, Help Others, Work hard and Complete the Path of Success with Confidence!

The harder you will work, the luckier you will be!
All the very best for preparation and performance!

The author can also be reached at kuldeepkushwaha88@gmail.com

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