To Be Simple Yet Happy

SSA JI , Last updated: 25 March 2008  

To Be Simple Yet Happy

It is so simple to be happy but so difficult to be simple. Be contained to be content should be your motto if you want to accomplish the aforesaid fact.

Happiness is a condition of the mind which different people perceive in different things. For some materialistic possessions are a source of happiness, while for others a solid bank balance is enough to give them immense pleasure, a synonym of happiness. For some nature with all its splendour is an eternal source of happiness. Likewise family is another source of happiness for others. It is hard to believe but nevertheless true that for some twisted minds, others adversity is their reason for happiness. Some find absolute solace playing musical instruments dancing singing or engaging in hobbies related to fine arts while others revel in competition, bragging etc.

Many of us who are rich, successful and fulfilled are also sometimes unhappy. This is caused due to negative thoughts and feelings which cannot be conquered though we possess every known source of happiness. In order to be happy you have to learn to appreciate the simple things of life, hence the intellectual and enlightening idiom mentioned in the beginning of this article.

Real happiness comes from simplicity and we all should strive to live as simple a life as we can. Take one day at a time and try to make everyday life a sweet, simple and charming affair. Let go the bonds of complexity that hold you down and you will realise that though it is simple to be happy, its not at all difficult to be simple too. Humility and submission to God is the first step towards simplicity. No point being egoistical because life is a mystery and what is today may not be tomorrow. So live one moment at a time enjoying and celebrating it to the full. Every second of the ticking clock should remind you to smile more, love more and to serve more because who knows you might not have the next moment.

You do not need anyone or anything to be happy. If you have a simple heart you possess all the ingredients needed for the wonderful emotion and feeling which is elation So let go of all the tentacles of worry, anguish and sorrow and let your heart sing like the nightingale. You will be surprised that you really needed only your own self all the time to be eternally happy and satisfied because you realise that under the false wrappings of social conduct you truly are a simple childlike person with a sincere and faithful heart which sees only good in everyone and everything. In conclusion, it is so true to say that keep a green bough in your heart and God will send a singing bird.

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