Success Story in CA Exam

*RENU SINGH * , Last updated: 20 January 2012  

Every CA story starts with CPT and ends with getting the membership of ICAI.It takes almost five and a half years to be a CA for every CA student.In this span of time,he undergoes training in her/his journey to be a professional.His personality gets enriched with good communication skills,expertise in auditing and elegance.

Each year scores of students enroll themselves into this course.But only thousands of them are able to fulfill their dream of becoming a CA.The remaining thinks,“Why? Why am I unsuccessful?”They search for their answer to and fro. Some of them cope with failure, some cannot.Those who cannot get along with the frustration are not even afraid to commit suicide.But suicide is not an option to success anyway.Why kill yourself when it is not your aim?Inculcate a never say die attitude in you.

“Don’t give up when the pace seems slow,

You may succeed with another blow.” Go for it.

Reasons are many for such failure-lack of confidence, inadequate concentration,repetition of same method of study again and again,arguments in  personal and professional life,illness of a family member,bitter experiences of the past,studying after a long span of time and so on.

When a person fails,he follows others advice blindly.For him,every successful person who has passed his CA exam becomes an idol. When someone advises him to study up to 6-8 hours, to go through a minimum of 2 subjects daily and other such ideas, he follows them blindly. He develops a burning desire to achieve the goal of studying many hours and so on.

But when,even after burning enough midnight oil, success still eludes him, he loses his heart.This is the main reason why some students made up their mind to leave CA even at the Final level.So, what could be the real way of getting out of this vicious–circle?When there is a will there is a way also. Believe in this adage from within your heart. Find the real reason.

Reason to join---This is the basic solution to every problem. Sometimes students are unable to motivate themselves.Lack of motivation obviously results in falling productivity…we all know that.  So,be motivated towards your aim. If it is not your dream, then think why you had joined it.For example, if you had joined CA for your parent’s happiness, then whenever you feel demotivated, think of your parent’s smile when they will see you as a CA. Be true to yourself.Only then you can motivate yourself. Find the real reason which is still holding you from your path to glory.

Good study material----Books are our first teacher. In self-study it is an absolute must. Whenever you feel that you are unable to understand the methods explained in the chosen books, switch to another book. There is enough time for the May attempt. Ignore the clichéd saying that new book means new beginning. No one gets marks for cramming. And if you are conceptually strong then you won’t have any problem with a new book. Overcome your fear and reach for the goal.

Make notes----It becomes more than important when you are studying from two or more books. There is just one day for preparation. You can’t waste your time by deciding on which book to switch on for reading? Making notes will help you in saving time and confusion.

Elder’s experience-----While following other’s advice use the formula of  NOTES                                                  

Where notes means ….

1. N---- Know

2. O----Other’s

3. T----Techniques in

4. E----Especial

5. S----Style…

This style comes only when you integrate your own learning style with the experience of elders. It will help you in overcoming your weakness because no wonder elders are experienced but you know your potential they don’t. Let me explain, say some experienced person tells you that if you study in the morning you’ll be able to memorize things for a longer period of time. But you are nocturnal by habit. Will this piece of advice serve your purpose? I doubt. Because you have re-programmed your Biological Clock which is different from the person advising. Here you must go your own followed way.

Importance of topic----Be specific as much as you can especially when time is less.CA exam is always dynamic, we all know that. But still you can’t focus on each and everything. For example – every year Amalgamation covers around 10 marks…but in November 2010 attempt it came for 5 marks only.... So you make strategy that covers the whole of the chapter. You must note that weightage of marks may get reduced but not the importance of the chapter. You still can get 5 marks. So, make your strategy on the basis of importance of the chapters that will ensure that you achieve at least the pass-marks.

Experienced person----If you failed 3 times, then it won’t mean that you are an expert.Experience doesn’t matter if one is careless and develops a thought-process like “I have already done this.I don’t need to read it anymore.” More lax in your studies would let you forget whatever you had studied earlier. As ICAI doesn’t know you by the number of your attempts and evaluates the three-hour hard work put in the answer script, it is always better to accept that you had failed because of loopholes in your preparation. Until and unless you are ready to accept your mistakes, you will keep repeating them.

Guilt feeling-----When a person fails he would either become careless or feel guilty about his past. Past is beyond your control now. So, simply move on. Whenever you stop to think about your bitter past, just analyze your mistakes and learn from them.  Sun shines only when it crosses over the clouds. So be the Sun not the star whose presence is not visible every day.

Before Exam ----It is this particular time which will decide your destiny. Normal amount of tension is natural but if this is below or above the desired level then it simply shows that your preparation is not up to mark . Take this as a sign of danger.

Exam time----Always remember haste make waste.So don’t be too fast in attempting a question. Attempt the questions in a wise order. Because you cannot create a 10-storey building if the base is weak. So, start with a question that you’re most comfortable with. This will not only help the examiner but also you by raising your confidence level.

So wishing best of luck to all CA students…….

With the glory in my heart, my mind work apart.

Wonders will be there if we work hard.

Try and try because nothing to lose.

We just know that we gonna rule.



Please find attached "My notes on house property."

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