Pursuing CA is like undertaking a spiritual journey

CA S.SAIRAM , Last updated: 22 October 2010  

Facing troubles in life is imperative to keep the mental state in equilibrium. A drop of medicine is saver, a glass of the same is killer. In the same way too much of happiness leads to bad chemistry in the human mind and body in the form of an intoxication. It reminds of a very common situation where we are walking in a very narrow lane when a cyclist comes recklessly racing towards us from the other end. The moment we decide to give way to him and start swaying either ways not knowing which way to leave, the cyclist also invariably starts replicating the same action getting confused and what happens is an accident. But on the other hand if we remain stubborn walking ahead straight without caring for the cyclist, he will make appropriate adjustment and the mishap is averted. Perhaps the cyclist may meet with an accident but we are saved!. This is the elementary explanation on facing troubles in life. In the above simile the cyclist represents the troubles of life and we the person walking in the lane. What is required is rather a hard core adamancy to not get bogged down by the nature and size of these troubles and exhibit courage such that the trouble (cyclist) itself gets troubled and falls in the ditch. Let not the cyclist dash us (our hopes).
God is a wonderful timer and caretaker. Let us remember a night train which is responsible to drop the passengers at the terminal at a convenient time. It has to halt a lot many times midway so that we the passengers arrive at a suitable time early in the morning. Passengers remaining awake get frustrated and start bashing the railways or the driver for being too slow but not obviously those who fall asleep. The same happens to us in the course of CA examination. We tend to start cursing God and loose sleep. Perhaps after our success in the exams and a placement (which satisfies us) we need to count on those 'blessings' we had on the way. Unfortunately our memories are short enough to forget looking back at the road and savour those golden experiences. If only we could do that we will surely take time to laugh at our own stupidity. Such obstacles were indeed indispensable so that we arrive fully ripen at this auspicious moment in the universe. Let us now be passengers asleep (be peaceful) and wake up at the destination.
A passenger in the train does not get perturbed that his luggage is an additional burden for the train. Neither does the train mind carrying his massive luggage. Why do all of us upload all worries and responsibilities in ourselves instead of the almighty?. In fact it is God's responsibility to see that our problems are solved. If every problem has a solution where is the problem?. For those who nurture a lot of faith in God, they will start experiencing a subtle happiness in facing the pains of life and tranquility during ecstasy. This is precisely what is called spirituality. The difference between God and Man is; God created Man for Himself and never became a slave to him, whereas Man created infinite things for himself and became a slave to all of them. This is the reason for his misery. If he has to graduate to being God, the slavery has to get lost. Let us remain merely acquainted to our material desires and not try to marry them.
Pursuing CA is like undertaking a spiritual journey. It is not a cake walk but certainly not a rocket science either. Crying baby definitely gets its milk. So let us not cry over the spilt milk. All that is required is good health, hardwork and undeterred faith on any one force (be it the self or Almighty) it is rest assured that we have jumped onto the Bandwagon. A pessimist always keeps booing "there is many a slip between the cup and the lip", but an optimist would retort angrily "Did'nt you drink the cup of coffee?"
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