Planning (An essential tool for study)

*RENU SINGH * , Last updated: 15 October 2012  


After covering the basic aspects now it’s time to look ahead. So let’s get back to the drawing board. After over viewing our whole strategy now it’s time for precise plan. Less than 15 days are left in October to finish.

1. 15 days task:- let’s say what we want to cover in this 15 days. For example:

a. Complete 10 chapters of law

b. Complete  5 chapters of Isca

c. Complete 5  chapters of  Any practical subject.

Now if we look at the scenario, you gotta know that you need to finish your 20 chapters in  15 days.  And obviously if your exams are in next November you don’t just want to finish your syllabus but also revision at the same time. Let’s say “per chapter a day” to achieve the target of Excellency. And rest 5 days for revision+ covering all the loopholes.  You can make planning according to your time-limit and syllabus.

Make  list of  chapters as:

I. Easy and scoring

II. Difficult and scoring

III. Too much difficult

First cover the first 2 parts perfectly and only then move on to 3rd category. Because if you finish your 2 parts, then you will be more confident . And confidence is the key to success.

2. SWOT Analysis: - After covering all this now it’s time to do a SWOT analysis. You can classify your strength and can reduce 25 % of your time. Suppose you can finish law easily and but it takes time to understand the concept.  And your study time is 1/hour for every subject. Now you can devote your extra 15 minutes to your practical subject or  2 category topics.

3. BALANCE: - I have written this word in caps lock. So please focus on this point more. Normally we waste time due to our poor plans, moods and then due to other situations.  Plan concept is cleared in the above point. And for mood problems, please see this.

Creative study

And about another situation, now you should pinpoint your daily routine. e.g. When no one disturbs you and when everything is so disturbing that you can’t focus on anything. For example your notes are saved on happy and now you want to read your notes after finishing your subjects and a break but at the same time there is a loud voice tv disturbing you and you are unable to focus on what you want or suppose you face power off or anything. And now you become restless or do nothing or do something with half focus.frown

And after passing of 2 hours or more now you can read your notes on lappy peacefully. But now you have to do some other work.As usual not just your last 2 hours got finishedwithout any productivity but also rest of time.no

So make sure don’t allow such time-wasting activities. Once you have drafted your plan properly, and then work according to that. If you can’t doA work , then go for B work.

4. Lazy Lamhe:- By god, this is the biggest time killer.  We have such thinking for our studies. I have  20 minutes. Suppose the time 1.10 PM. At least I need half an hour to finish my chapter. Let’s take 10 minutes rest and then I will do my work. And after 10 minutes , your behavior is like it’s 1.20 PM. I will study at 1.30 so that it will be easy to follow my plan. I am really sincere. I will study after 10 minutes .Surely, let’s take a nap for 10 minutes.

And after taking a nap about 10 minutes your alarm rings and now you say. I am feeling a bit more sleepy. Even if I woke up I won’t be able to concentrate much so let’s take ½ rest.

And time flies. crying

Once you know your plan, it’s your responsibility to remember the same. If you fear what will happen if you can’t finish your plan and waste your time. Then remember nothing good won’t even happen then. So stop fearing. If you are making efforts then something will surely happen and something is always better than nothing.



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