November 2014 - Important Info and links for CA CS Student

Ankur Garg , Last updated: 21 July 2014  

Dear Aspirants,

I have compiled some useful information with relevant links for the use of CA and CS Aspirants. This information will help you to understand the implications and applicability of Companies Act, 2013 along with useful study material on Companies Act, 2013 prepared by the institute for the benefit of students. This article will also guide CA Aspirants about the applicability of Companies Act, 2013 for November 2014 and May 2015 attempt.

This Article contains relevant links for exam files and institute notifications for download purpose. Let me start this write with expected date of result for CA May 2014 attempt.

Expected date of result for CA May 2014 Attempt for IPCC and CA Final

Result may be delayed for May 2014 exam: As the exams were held late by 25 days due to elections, results will be delayed by 10 – 15 days.

CA Final Results of the May 2014 exams are likely to be declared in the Second week of August i.e. around 13th August, 2014.

IPCC Result for May 2014 exam is likely to be declared in the third week of August i.e. around 18th August, 2014 at around 4.00 PM.

Arrangements have also been made for the candidates desirous of having results on their e-mail addresses to pre-register their requests at the above website, i.e. from 16th August. All those registering their requests will be provided their IPCC Result through e-mail on the e-mail addresses registered as above immediately after the declaration of the IPCC result.

All the above dates are expected dates and till date there is no official announcement from ICAI w.r.t. the result date of IPCC and Final. It is advisable to wait for the official announcement regarding exact date of result for May 2014 examination for IPCC and Final.

All the best for your exam result.


Applicability of notified sections of the Companies Act, 2013 for November 2014 Exam

The Central Government has notified 98 sections of the Companies Act, 2013 on 12th September, 2013.

Accordingly those 98 notified sections are applicable for November 2014 examinations corresponding to their bifurcation into the Intermediate (IPC) and Final Course(s), i.e. from these 98 sections, 53 sections have been included in the Paper–2, Business Laws, Ethics and Communication, Intermediate (IPC) Course, and 45 have been included in the Paper-4, Corporate and Allied Laws, Final Course.

Download ICAI Notification in this regard from the link below:

Notification dated 20.05.2014 for Applicability of notified sections of Chapter IX, “Accounts of Companies” and Chapter X, “Audit and Auditors” of the Companies Act, 2013 along with its Rules for November 2014, Examinations for Final Course. Download ICAI Notification in this regard from the link below:

"It is also clarified that along with the applicable sections of the Companies Act, 2013, the remaining provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, if any, would continue to apply for November 2014 examinations."

Link for latest amendments and notifications from ICAI

You are advised to regularly check the link given below for the purpose of keeping you in sync with latest amendments and keep a track of changes in Syllabus and various amendments from the BOS knowledge portal of ICAI:

Also check the link given below and use exam oriented material available at the BOS knowledge portal of ICAI:

Auditing, Indirect Tax, Company Law update files for November 2014 attempt.

Also download some extremely useful exam oriented files related to Auditing amendments, Indirect Tax Amendments and Company Law amendments from the link mentioned below regarding your November 2014 attempt:  


I hope the above information would be of some help.

Applicability of notified sections of the Companies Act, 2013 for May 2015 Exam

ICAI vide its Notification dated 20.05.2014, has notified that the relevant sections of the Companies Act, 2013 notified till September 30, 2014 would be applicable for May 2015 examinations for the IPCC and Final papers as defined in said notification.

Download ICAI Notification in this regard from the link below:

Revision of syllabus for May 2015 due to applicability of Companies Act, 2015

ICAI vide its Notification dated 20.05.2014, has uploaded a 16 page documents on its website regarding Revision of the syllabus for May 2015 examinations and onwards pursuant to enactment of the Companies Act, 2013.

This 16 page document contains changes made in syllabus of IPCC and Final due to enactment of the Companies Act, 2013. You may download this notification cum new syllabus file from the link provided below:


Applicability of Companies Act, 2013 for December 2014 Exam of ICSI


Applicability of the Companies Act, 2013 for Examinations from December 2014 onwards It is informed that the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules and regulations made thereunder shall be applicable for Examinations from December, 2014 onwards. This means that the question papers of the following subjects of Foundation, Executive and Professional level shall carry questions from the Companies Act, 2013 instead of the Companies Act, 1956:

Foundation Programme

Business Environment and Entrepreneurship (Paper 1)

Executive Programme

1. Company Law (Module 1, Paper 1)

2. Company Accounts and Auditing Practices (Module 2, Paper 5)

3. Capital Markets and Securities Laws (Module 2,Paper 6)

Professional Programme

1. Advanced Company Law and Practice (Module 1, Paper 1)

2. Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and Due Diligence (Module 1, Paper 2)

3. Corporate Restructuring, Valuation and Insolvency (Module 1, Paper 3)

4. Ethics, Governance and Sustainability (Module 2,Paper 6)

5. Drafting, Appearances and Pleadings (Module 3, Paper 8)

6. Capital, Commodity and Money Market (Module 3, Paper 9.2, Elective)

Other subjects at Foundation, Executive, Professional, Elective papers that has reference to Companies Act, 1956 should be read in line with Companies Act, 2013.

Please note that all the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 may or may not have come into effect on the date of Examination. Nevertheless, question papers will carry question from the Companies Act 2013 only and not the Companies Act, 1956.

Please check ICSI notification in this regard which is available at the link given below:

Students can have access to Reading Material on the Companies Act, 2013 uploaded on ICSI Website under the Head ‘Academic Corner’ at the below link

Also check the link given below for Guidance on applicability of Companies Act, 2013 for December, 2014 Examination

I hope the above information would be of some help for your preparation.

Download 2 important Publications from ICSI

Download 2 important Publications from ICSI on Companies Act, 2013 from the link given below:

Hope the same would be of some help for compliance under CA 2013.


You are humbly requested to refer the links mentioned below for some useful notes and exam oriented suggestions and tips. I am sure these links will give you encouragement and idea about how to start preparation, tips for self-study, name of reference books, tips for attempting theory and practical paper, tips for improving presentation skills and about everything you want to know. I am sure these links contained the solution of all your doubts.

All my Exam tips in CAclubindia at one place --revised


CS+CA PCC/Final--My CAclubindia Forum Suggestions and Tips


CA Final Exam Tips from the interview of Topper Pawan Sarda






Everything for students at one place     


I am very hopeful that this article and the information shared through this article will help you a lot in your exam preparation and clear your various doubts. Please share your opinion.


CS Ankur Garg

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Published by

Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
Category Exams   Report

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