Need ISO 9001 2015 Certification For Business

Sandeep Rawat , Last updated: 24 July 2020  

For every business, it's important to ensure that the required standards of your organization are properly being met. This is why many businesses today may be using a system called IS0 9001.

The ISO 9001 is known to be one of the top standards for quality management systems and recognized globally for its efficiency with businesses.

It works to provide and helporganization grow and meet its different goals by structuring and planning out the execution for you accordingly. As the requirements and rules of your business change and grow, the plans set out by ISO 9001 will change and evolve right along with it. It works to help your business truly accomplish and achieve its goals.

What is ISO 9001 Certification?

ISO 9001 is an international recognized standard certification that defines the quality management system (QMS) and the quality of the services of the company.

A quality management system is known as being a system with a specific formula that keeps track of different company's procedures, quality policies and how the business will meet them.

It also includes other processes to help achieve different goals and objectives of your business.

Why does business need to be ISO 9001 certified?

Business uses this standard certificate to demonstrate the ability to systematically provide products and services that meet the regulatory requirements and to satisfy the customers. This quality management system (QMS) provides numerous benefits for any organization that is willing to go that itinerary.

Getting ISO 9001 Certification means that the company should pass a physical ISO 9001:2015 certification audit done by a certifying agency or a registrar of that place.

Why should your business get ISO 9001 certification?

At present, over one million companies have ISO 9001 certificates all over the world. Interest in getting ISO 9001 certification for their company has increased among the business people for good reason – all believed that this quality management standard can make a substantial change in their business growth.

Need ISO 9001 2015 Certification For Business

Benefit to Get ISO 9001:2015 QMS

There are several strategic principals the ISO family focuses on when it comes to making quality management decisions for each specific company. Each of these specific principals is prioritized in order to help each business grow and develop as a whole.

1. Increased Efficiency

Companies that go through the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standards certification process have given a lot of thought to their processes and how to maximize quality and efficiency. Once certified for QMS, the processes are established and guidelines in place for anyone to follow easily, making training, transitions, and trouble-shooting easier.

2. Increased Revenue

Studies have shown that ISO QMS certified companies experience increased productivity and improved financial performance, compared to uncertified companies.

3. Employee Morale

Defined roles and responsibilities, accountability of management, established training systems and a clear picture of how their roles affect quality and the overall success of the company, all contribute to more satisfied and motivated staff.

4. International Recognition

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is recognized worldwide as the authority on quality management.

5. Factual Approach to Decision Making

The ISO 9001:2015 QMS standard sets out clear instructions for audits and process reviews that facilitate information gathering and decision making based on the data.

6. Supplier Relationships

Mutually beneficial supplier relationships are one of the key attractions to ISO certification. Following the processes for documentation and testing ensure quality raw materials go into your production system. The process also requires thorough evaluation of new suppliers before a change is made and/or consistency with respect to how and where orders are placed.


7. Documentation

The ISO QMS standard requires documentation of all processes and any changes, errors and discrepancies. This ensures consistency throughout production and accountability of all staff. This also guarantees traceable records are available in case of non-compliant products or raw materials.

8. Consistency

One of the foundations of ISO; All processes from research and development, to production, to shipping, are defined, outlined and documented, minimizing room for error. Even the process of making changes to a process is documented, ensuring that changes are well planned and implemented in the best possible way to maximize efficiency. Recommendations in the biotech industry to use or similar software format for data collection, reports, and product labeling, minimizes the risk of obsolete documents/labels being mistakenly used.

9. Customer Satisfaction

Client confidence is gained because of the universal acceptance of the ISO standards. Customer satisfaction is ensured because of the benefits of ISO 9001:2015 QMS to company efficiency, consistency and dedication to quality service.

10. Improvement Processes

The ISO 9001:2015 QMS outlines audit processes, management review and improvement processes based on collected data. Improvements are carefully planned and implemented based on facts, using a system of documentation and analysis, to ensure the best decisions are made for your company.


Documents Required For Certification:-

  1. Name, Address & Scope of Business
  2. Legal Document(Any govt.reg.document,Gst Number,Trust Deed).
  3. Letter Head (write all the services/activities on it ).
  4. Electricity Bill or Rent Agreement or Sale/Purchase Bill.
  5. Pan Card.
  6. Attest all documents by authorised signatory and organizations representative signatures.

The Author is expert in taxation & Compliance. he can be reached at  SRTConsultancy & Co. at

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Published by

Sandeep Rawat
(Expert in Taxation and compliance)
Category Professional Resource   Report



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