Important Features of SPICe+ for Greater Business Ease

CS CHARU VINAYAK , Last updated: 27 July 2022  

A new Web Form called "SPICe+" (pronounced "SPICe Plus") has been implemented by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to replace the previous SPICe form as part of the Government of India's Ease of Doing Business (EODB) programmes. SPICe+ offers 11 services from 3 Central Government Ministries and Departments (Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Labour, and Department of Revenue in the Ministry of Finance), 3 State Governments (Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal), and NCT - Delhi, saving as many procedures, time, and costs for Starting a Business in India. This programme is applicable to all new company incorporations beginning on June 7, 2021.

1. SPICe+ has an integrated Web Form as one of its features.

Important Features of SPICe  for Greater Business Ease

2. SPICe+ is divided into two parts, Part A for name reservations for new businesses and Part B for a variety of services, including

  1. Incorporation
  2. DIN allocation
  3. Mandatory PAN issuance
  4. Mandatory TAN issuance
  5. Mandatory EPFO registration issuance
  6. The need for ESIC registration
  7. Required registration for profession taxes (Maharashtra, Karnataka and West Bengal)
  8. Required Opening of a Company Bank Account
  9. Granting of a GSTIN (if so applied for) and
  10. First-time registration of businesses and locations for all newly incorporated firms in Delhi.

Users have the option of filing Parts A and B simultaneously to incorporate a new company and take use of the following services, or they can submit Part-A first to reserve a name and Part-B for incorporation and other services after that.

4. For company incorporation applications, a new and user-friendly Dashboard on the Front Office has been developed (SPICe+ and connected forms where appropriate).

5. After reserving a name in Part A, incorporation applications (Part B) can be submitted in a smooth manner as a follow-up to Part A of SPICe+. Stakeholders do not even need to enter the SRN of the authorised name because it is prominently displayed on the dashboard and clicking on it will lead the user to the new dashboard's URL where they can continue their application.

6. The application number/Name applied for link on the new dashboard must be used to handle resubmissions of applications for company name reservation and/or incorporation.

There is a link given for the SRN/application number to make it simple to resubmit an application when necessary.

7RUN service will only be available for "change of name" of an established company starting on February 23, 2020.

8. The redesigned web form Facilitates On-screen submission and real-time data validation for easy creation of corporations.

9. All associated forms, including AGILE-PRO-S, eMoA, eAoA, URC1, INC-9, would automatically pre-fill with the approved name and related incorporation details as supplied in Part A. (as applicable)


10. SPICe+ is divided into different sections to ensure filing simplicity.

11. Once entered, information can be saved and changed.

12. All Check form and Pre-scrutiny validations (except DSC validation) happens on web form itself.

13. After the SPICe+ has been fully filled out with all pertinent information, it must be quickly converted into PDF format so that DSCs can be attached.

14. All applications that have been digitally signed can then be uploaded along with the associated forms according to the current procedure.

15. You can still make changes or updates to SPICe+ after producing the pdf and attaching the DSCs by modifying the previously saved web form application, generating the revised pdf, attaching the DSCs, and uploading the updated version.

16. The upload level will be where DSC validation and other validations take place.17. Registration for EPFO and ESIC shall be mandatory for all new companies incorporated w.e.f 23 February 2020 and no EPFO & ESIC registration nos. shall be separately issued by the respective agencies.


18. Registration for Profession Tax shall also be mandatory for all new companies incorporated in the State of

  • Maharashtra w.e.f 23rd February 2020
  • Karnataka w.e.f 8th October 2020
  • West Bengal w.e.f 12th March 2020

19. Beginning on February 23, 2020, all newly formed businesses using SPICe+ will also be required to submit an application for opening a business bank account using the AGILE-PRO-S connected web form.

20. Beginning on June 7, 2021, all new companies incorporating in Delhi must obtain a First Time Registration Number for Shops and Establishments, Delhi.

21. In all circumstances, except those where: I the total number of subscribers and/or directors is larger than 20, (ii) any such subscribers and/or directors do not have a DIN or PAN, the Declaration by all Subscribers and First Directors in INC-9 shall be automatically prepared in pdf format.

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