Importance of Title Investigation Report for Property Buyers

Prakasha and Co , Last updated: 06 April 2023  

The Importance of Title Investigation Report

When it comes to purchasing property, it's important to be diligent in verifying the legal status of the property before making a decision. One key tool in this process is a Title Investigation Report (TIR), which is designed to provide buyers with a clear understanding of the legal status of the property they're interested in purchasing.

Importance of Title Investigation Report for Property Buyers

List of documents that legal experts review when creating a TIR report

  1. Sale Agreement: The legal expert reviews the Sale Agreement to ensure that it is legally binding and that all parties involved in the transaction have agreed to the terms and conditions of the sale. They also verify the identity of the parties involved and ensure that the sale price is fair and reasonable.
  2. Absolute Sale Deed: The legal expert reviews the Absolute Sale Deed to ensure that the transfer of ownership is legally valid and that the property has a clear title. They verify that the property has been registered with the appropriate authorities and that all previous owners have given their consent for the sale.
  3. Construction Agreement: If the property is under construction, the legal expert reviews the Construction Agreement to ensure that the construction is being carried out as per the agreed-upon terms and that all necessary permissions and approvals have been obtained from the relevant authorities.
  4. Encumbrance Certificate: The legal expert reviews the Encumbrance Certificate to ensure that the property is free from any legal disputes or liabilities.
  5. Khata Certificate: The legal expert reviews the Khata Certificate to ensure that the property is properly registered with the municipal authorities and that all property taxes have been paid.
  6. Property Tax Receipts: The legal expert reviews the Property Tax Receipts to ensure that all property taxes have been paid up to date and that there are no outstanding dues.
  7. Family tree and genealogy records: These records may be necessary to establish clear ownership and inheritance rights for the property, particularly in cases where the property has been passed down through multiple generations.
  8. Land conversion details: If the property was previously agricultural land that has been converted for non-agricultural use, a legal expert will review the land conversion details to ensure that the conversion was done legally and that all necessary approvals were obtained.
  9. Government grants to SC/ST: In cases where the property was originally granted by the government to a member of the SC/ST community, a legal expert may review the grant documents to ensure that the transfer of ownership to the current seller was done legally and that all necessary approvals were obtained.
  10. BDA or authority approvals: If the property is located in a development authority or municipal area, a legal expert will review the necessary approvals and permits from the relevant authorities to ensure that the property was developed in compliance with local laws and regulations.
  11. Sanctioned building plan: If the property includes a building or is part of a housing development, a legal expert will review the sanctioned building plan to ensure that it was approved by the relevant authorities and that the construction was done in compliance with the approved plan.
  12. Occupancy certificate: A legal expert may review the occupancy certificate for the property to ensure that the building is safe for occupancy and that all necessary approvals were obtained for the construction.
  13. Environmental clearance: In cases where the property is located in a sensitive environmental zone, a legal expert may review the environmental clearance documents to ensure that the development of the property was done in compliance with environmental regulations.

Based on their review of these documents, legal experts create a comprehensive TIR report that provides property buyers with a clear understanding of the legal status of the property. The TIR report includes information on the property's ownership history, legal disputes or liabilities, and any pending legal cases related to the property. This helps property buyers make informed decisions about their property purchase and ensures that they are protected from any legal risks associated with the property.

The Benefits and Limitations of Title Investigation Report (TIRs) for Property Buyers

  1. TIRs are not a guarantee: A TIR provides a comprehensive analysis of the property's legal status based on the documents reviewed and the investigation conducted. However, it does not guarantee that there are no legal issues associated with the property.
  2. Legal experts review relevant documents: A legal expert reviews relevant documents such as sale agreements, purchase agreements, encumbrance certificates, Khata certificates, property tax receipts, and other property-related contracts to ensure that the property has a clear title and is free from any legal disputes or liabilities.
  3. Investigation includes due diligence: In addition to reviewing documents, a legal expert conducts a thorough investigation of the property to ensure that it is free from any legal encumbrances or disputes. They verify the property's ownership history, legal disputes or liabilities, and any pending legal cases related to the property.
  4. TIRs are valid for a limited time: The validity of a TIR varies depending on the legal expert or the state in which the property is located. However, it is typically valid for a limited time, usually 6 months to a year.
  5. TIRs help buyers make informed decisions: By providing a comprehensive analysis of the legal status of the property, a TIR helps buyers make informed decisions about their property purchase. It enables them to identify potential legal risks associated with the property and take necessary steps to mitigate those risks.
  6. TIRs protect buyers from legal risks: A TIR protects buyers from any legal risks associated with the property. It provides them with peace of mind and confidence in their property purchase. It can also be used to secure loans from banks and other financial institutions.

A TIR report is compiled by experienced real estate or property lawyers who are trained to conduct a thorough investigation of the property's title and ownership history. They also review relevant legal documents, such as sale agreements, purchase agreements, and other property-related contracts, to ensure that buyers are protected from any legal liabilities.

In addition, real estate lawyers can advise on any property-related legal matters, including land acquisition, property registration, and property disputes. They can also facilitate property transactions by ensuring that all legal requirements are met, and that all parties involved in the transaction are protected from any legal risks.

The Importance of TIR Report in Bangalore Real Estate

For example, in Bangalore, where property transactions are on the rise, it's especially important to obtain a TIR report before purchasing a property. Bangalore's real estate market is highly competitive, and properties are often sold quickly. As a result, buyers can be tempted to rush into a purchase without conducting proper due diligence. However, this can lead to legal disputes and financial losses down the road.

By obtaining a TIR report from a real estate lawyer, buyers can ensure that they're making an informed decision about their property purchase. The TIR report will provide a comprehensive analysis of the property's legal status, ownership history, and any potential liabilities, ensuring that buyers have a clear understanding of the property's legal status. This can help buyers make informed decisions, protect their interests, and minimize the risk of legal disputes.


In addition, a TIR report can be used to secure loans from banks and other financial institutions, as it provides assurance that the property is free from any potential legal challenges.

Obtaining a TIR report from a real estate or property lawyer is an essential step in the property-buying process. By doing so, buyers can ensure that they're making an informed decision and protecting their interests. If you're considering purchasing property, we highly recommend that you consult with a real estate lawyer and obtain a TIR report.

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Prakasha and Co
(Practicing Company Secretary)
Category LAW   Report

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