Guide Book to Success in CA

Souveek , Last updated: 07 January 2009  

Guide Book to Success in CA

CA – alphabets of trust, such a nice thing to think of but you know what, trust doesn’t come that easy. Hundred of students take the hell of pressure on them to score good in the exam but only a few succeed.. So is something wrong with the syllabus or examination pattern? There are many other tough examinations like CAT and Civil Services candidates work hard there to succeed, but those are never compared with CA ? Why?
Let me tell you why. Neither there is a problem with  the Syllabus, nor is the problem with Examination pattern.. the wrong is in the approach of students giving the CA examination. In CAT as well as in Civil Services  the body taking the examination doesn’t provide the study mats. But ICAI does. Other candidates don’t get any specialized mat prepared by the institute so they have to rely on mats available in market.
But this is not the case with ICAI. The Board prepares very efficient and specialized mat for students and most of the students tend to ignore the mat. Instead they rely on books available in market solely. This is where they go wrong. For a CA aspirant the ICAI mat should be his Bible. No other book could and should take its place. Of course students should refer to other books too, but the emphasis should be on the ICAI mat.
Most of the information given in the mat is concise , to the point and sufficient from the examination point of view.
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