Governance at ICAI - Election of VP

Madhukar N Hiregange , Last updated: 18 January 2016  

Vice President/ President Election Manifesto – 2016-17.

The election of the Vice President of ICAI would be on 12th February 2016. Central Council members would vote. 32 elected + 8 Govt. Nominees.

Members this year have voted for candidates who have delivered. Tall promises did not cut ice in this elections. Good team in place from all regions. All candidates have promised better governance/ image of ICAI. Integrity needs to increased in all professionals is also a common goal.

We find that there were so many capable and talented CAs in the council who are offering themselves for election.

They all have provided us their election manifesto in general election. Should they also provide one for their candidature for VP?

If yes, what is their vision for the ICAI in mainly 6 areas as under:

1.  Image of ICAI

2.  Governance at ICAI

3.  Capacity of members to earn their livelihood with pride.

4.  Improving the quality of students

5. Strengthening the administration

6.  Empowerment of the RCs.

They may like to further answer the: Why you think that you can be VP and subsequently President. A few questions are as under:

A.   What was your contribution to improvement of 1) to 6) above till date? If something beyond that please specify.  

B.   What is the status of you initiatives? If not ongoing, reasons why it is not continuing?

C.   As VP what are your plans for 1) to 6) above? Do you have any vision other than those- please specify?

D.    As President again 1) to 6) above.

If a candidate has not done anything till date and waiting to be President to do so, is it likely he would do anything as a President?

Feedback on this though process is sought from all CAs.

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Published by

Madhukar N Hiregange
(Chartered Accountant)
Category Others   Report



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