Madhukar N Hiregange

Chartered Accountant






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About me

  Member Since : 25 September 2008  (Bangalore)


Madhukar N Hiregange B.Com., FCA, DISA (ICAI). Passed CISA.

Senior Partner Hiregange & Associates having offices in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Vishakhapatnam, NCR/ Gurgaon, Mumbai & Chennai. Associated with few CAs across India as mentor. Faculty at Hiregange Academy a knowledge & employability initiative engaged in training industry officers, professionals, job seekers and students in IDT.

Jointly Authored 16 books on Central Excise, Service Tax, Karnataka VAT and Excise / Service Tax audit, IDT - IPCC Study Material- November 2015 Examination, Handbook on CST and  GST- A Primer released in September August 2015.

Hiregange has been active in the field of spreading awareness through seminars & articles. Had been a visiting faculty at various Professional and Management Institutes including the IIM Bangalore. Active in online replies on several professional sites. Chief Resoruce person for Hiregange Academy , a knoweldge and employability initative.

Was a Central Council Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India for the term 2010-13 & presently for the priod 2016-19 with a vision to enhance the credibility of the profession, strengthen the professional in practice and employment, make the course less painful while increasing the quality of the student coming out.

Managing Trustee – Empower Education Foundation. Sponsoring education of 120 + lesser privileged students in Bangalore. Believes in “Value Based Practice and Life”.


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