E Way Bill and Problem of 50 KMs!

CA Umesh Sharmapro badge , Last updated: 30 April 2018  

Arjun (Fictional Character): Krishna, May be from 31st May, 2018, E way bill would be made compulsory for transportation of intrastate supply in Maharashtra. But will E way bill be compulsory for the transportation of goods where distance travelled by conveyance is less than 50 km?      

Krishna (Fictional Character): Arjuna, Yes. Even if the distance of transportation is less than 50 kms then also the generation of E way bill will be compulsory.  

Arjun: Krishna, how to calculate the distance of 50 kms?

Krishna: Arjuna, The distance to be travelled can be an approximation which can be ascertained by using the MAP feature in order to compute the distance between the place of dispatch to the place of delivery.     

Arjun: Krishna, For whom it is compulsory to generate E way bill even if the distance of transportation is less than 50 kms?  

Krishna: Arjuna, it is compulsory for everyone to generate E way bill even if the distance of transportation is less than 50 kms. Ex: Suppose the goods are supplied by a wholesaler to retailer and the distance of that transportation is 4 km. Then also it is compulsory to generate E way Bill.      

Arjun: Krishna, is there any exemption from generating E way bill by the transporter?

Krishna: Arjuna, If the distance of the transportation is less than 50 kms, then it is not required to give the details in Part B of the E way bill i.e Details of the transporter.      

Arjun: Krishna, is there any exception to generate the E way bill for the transportation within the distance of 50 kms?

Krishna: Arjuna, If the goods are transported by a non-motorised vehicle like bullock cart or by a human being, no need to generate E way bill.

Ex: Retailer  say ‘A’ sends a person to wholesaler ‘B’ to bring goods from him, the goods value being Rs. 60000 i.e greater than Rs. 50000. Then even if the value of goods is greater than Rs. 50000 no E way bill needs to be generated as transport of goods is being done by non-motorised vehicle it means here by a human being. But in same case, if the goods had been transported by scooter, then E way bill needs to be generated.                

Arjun: Krishna, What lesson the taxpayer should take from this?

Krishna: Arjuna, whether the distance of transportation is more or less 50 kms, it is very much important for everyone to generate E way bill. This thing would be troublesome for taxpayers as well as transporters.  

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CA Umesh Sharma
Category GST   Report

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