Listen to yourself

C.A DEEPTHI , Last updated: 25 January 2012  

The goal you have to achieve is to be focused but not the hurdles in the middle?.



Sometime back somewhere i saw a message.


"Every night speak to yourself ?or else you might be missing an appointment ?with one of the greatest person in your life. "


1) A winner at present or a subsequent winner(here i dont want to use the word looser ?because every person by birth is a winner and ?he might not be a winner at this moment but subsequently he is).?


Just ask to yourself the marks awarded to you are the marks you expected (be true).




If your answer yes. ?


Then ?you have good interaction with yourself. You obviously put your efforts in a sincere way.and now dont stop as you reached but see the top you have to reach.?All the very best.


If your answer no,you got less than you expected (be true).


Dont ?worry results are not the measurements for your intelligence ,efforts . They are just giving a way for you to enter a new ?world . Here your intelligence, efforts will defnitely be recognised as you can communicate directly.(In exams we don't have such a chance as we don't directly communicate with evaluator some misunderstanding so we get less marks).


As now you are in the world you dreamed.


Be sincere put more efforts be responsible as many depend on your ideas and work now. If you had a fall in one approach try the other (think about it in your exam your approach might not be proper, so in the practical world be careful and cautious).


If you got more than you expected(be true).


Of course such a situation never arise in CA.


If its there then friends take care of yourself success doors are open.You must work hard i mean to say very very hard to maintain it.give value to the help given by god and never let him feel bad.(he might think idiot he prayed a lot i passed him thinking he would be sincere and gave good marks but spoiling everything .he might give you a fall take care).


Subsequent winner.


If you deserve the marks awarded(be true).



Atleast now realise there is something going wrong in your approach.


I will suggest you a way but that is not the final.


It is just pushing you to make a move to start the journey.


1)Collect the material you wanna read.


But these are compulsory.?


Rtp,practise mannual,latest case laws and ammendments.


2)Prepare a plan(sometimes you might not stick to it then revise and work accordingly)as someone said if hours in a day are not sufficient borrow it from night (later on you can pay the debt to night with high percent intrest sleeping whole day when you find your result passed).


3)Do theory when environment is silent pleasant, do practical when there is disturbance or feeling bored or tired as problems will make you concentrate more .


4)Take good breaks,healthy food,good sleep not more sleep.


And now start.?


If you got less marks than you expected(be true),you are the person who might be in a bad situation.


One thing i want to say.


Leave thing that happend the more force you fall down the more bounce you get ok.


Do you know Newton who explained law of gravity had experienced a fall before he explained it but that fall is of an apple on his head. ?See he to suffered pain of apple hitting his head later he was paid for it with high name and fame, you to will definitely get reward for your pain one day. The only thing you need to do is.




Just a simple logic.


Our goal is to achieve CA certificate not the falls in the middle they are just steps why do you worry about them just climb them.


Its just a matter of three more months to you to be a winner work hard and smart present the answers exact to the question in a explanative manner depending on the marks alloted think that you need to explain the concept to evaluator and study relate it to practical world how that topic will be helpful to you in your job ,practise ?then you will definitely be clear of the concept.


Our mind has such a capacity it can analyse anything and invent anything.


I think everyone know the movie jab we met i dont know hindi well(it would better if some one explain me what he say in that speech).?


But in the movie shahid when rejoining the company he gives a speech i dont know exactly what he say but a part i understood is.


If we actually think of anything to happen,whole heartedly it will be achieved.our determination has such a power.


So be positive?have a good start again.?


I think nothing goes wrong if we try one more time.


Do you know onething.


Take a book that you like the most read it once again you will find a different angle that you ever know about it . It may be a concept or a character in a novel.


The samething here also again you start reading you will ?feel userfriendly with the books.theconcept will be more clear than last time ok.


Think that you are given one more appointment with the books to be more clear and read it.


Any way thank you for paitence reading.


If any mistakes just ignore please.?


I think the thing is clear.


Finaly thanks for images owners that i used in my article as they helped me to make my article more readable.


So have a happy life.

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