Issued In The Interest of Article Trainee's (AT)

CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani , Last updated: 19 April 2010  

Issued In The Interest of Article Trainee’s (AT)

Many of the students are in dilemma whether Articleship is useful for the future career. The answer is neither Yes nor No. It all depends on the factors which I am mentioning below.

“It is very important for every principle to treat his/her article in a proper manner and should utilize the skills for the benefit of student/article trainee (AT) (read somewhere at Caclubindia)” very true , but question is how far the principles are following the guidelines provided by CA Inst. When they (CA Inst) is banning articelship transfer why not they impose some restriction on CA’s in practice to stop misutilization of there right i.e. harassing the articles undergoing training under them by any means.

There is lot of options available to make articleship impressive from the current state. Few suggestions are to organize Financial Quizzes, get together meets, separate grievance for article trainees etc.

  • Financial Quizzes            : To judge and built article trainees (ATs) analytical skills
  • Get together                      : Best way to increase networking
  • Grievance forum             : To resolve queries and grievances of article trainee (AT) on time


Lot of students are getting limited knowledge in the articles period why because their principle is using them for their personal work say deposit light bill, telephone bills etc. We can not imagine how far they may go! L One of my bro’s friend goes to office just to deposits bills, or to do personal work of CA or other works like courier etc.

Then in such environment do you think even students would like to do articleship? Answer is no, they don’t want to be just trainee in articleship. Even they can not raise their voice to protect themselves from the obvious injustice. What is the reason? May be CA Inst, which is empowered to power articles, could not provide proper rights to the AT’s. Opposite to it, it has imposed restriction on articles by banning transfers etc. I think AT’s right should not be limited to their principle but should also be govern by CA Inst. I am sure that would help to improve articles situation.

Now some of you say “The ground realities are different, we have joined a professional course but if we are not getting professional work at offices then what is the need of that articleship. Have we joined course to know how to get a drop a bill in billbox or how to get a railway ticket or carry files behind our principle just to stay outside the room of AO. What kind of development is this?”

I agreed with the above text, it is the hard fact which we all know but can not do anything until given the power. CA Inst has it but of no use if not use it correctly.

Things get worse when the first batch of CPT students passed out. The result was humungous. Almost 67% !!! & there was shortage of CA firms to absorb them. Many students got articlehsip in the firms which were not of their choice but they had to continue articleship anyhow. Since then CA Inst could not make the situation much better.

ICAI should have thought of such shortcomings but what they did and what happened in reality , they only can answer.

Read it somewhere that now the situation is totally different. Now u might see vacancies in the CA firms as the supply has been cut down due to the introduction of IPCC scheme. Now you can get the articleship in a comparatively good firm. In fact now the CA firms are ready to pay more stipend.

Where are the good firms ? Are you talking about Big 4, they are still reluctant to take article trainee who don’t have a good approach. If you are not agreeing with me, pls write reasons for mismatch.

One more suggestion to improve AT’s situation is to set a committee which only reviews & take care about ATs queries and conduct inquiry into affaires of CA’s against which they are getting continues complain. This committee can be part of the Grievance forum which I suggested above.

Further one best way to reach large number of students and members are to go online. CA Inst have one forum which many of you may not be aware of but it does not work faster so no use in going their. So I would drop my discussion on this topic here only.

When I was in PE-II, my seniors used to say that every article has to do basic work like filing, vouching , ledger scrutiny etc. which I think is essential as always its better to know the concept first and then you can better perform.

Plz do ponder on these things and provide our valuable suggestion here.


J Cheers the Helping Hand J

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Published by

CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani
(Landmark Group)
Category Students   Report

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