A Must read For students appearing for Exams

Murtuza Roshan , Last updated: 29 November 2010  



€ The most important thing to pass in your exam is to impress your Examiner.



€ The person who is correcting your paper is an auditor (just think back how your auditor reacts when he finds a clerical or conceptual error in your work, he gets tensed seeing you doing such an error being a CA. Student). The one or the other such person only corrects your paper and his expectation will be the same from you, Keeping key answer in hand & finding different of answers by every student & making blunder mistakes will be surely go out of mood & becomes monotonous, stale.



€ Impressing such a off mood and stale person is not very difficult task my friends.



€Just follow the following steps:-



1.      Present your answer in KISS format



Keep It Simple Stupid



Remember you are not representing only an answer but also your understanding of concepts, your knowledge etc… your answer should be in such a manner that any person who corrects it should be able to understand your logic, concepts & methods used to derive those answers.



2.      Keep your answer straight forward, crist & clear.



3.      Don’t attempt those question first which you don’t know at all.



4.      Don’t answer for the sake of attending questions this leads to an bad impression.



5.      Don’t write sections, reference case laws unless you are very sure of it.



6.      Don’t explain wrong concepts especially in case laws, explain only of there is a space for such assumptions & that concept can fit into.



€ I know the above given tips are very small but remember nobody falls from a hill everyone slips from a small stone.



€ If you present yourself this way I’m pretty confident that this will boost up the examiner’s mind & he will get interested in correcting your paper. your examiner will get a very good idea about your knowledge in the subject. In those question for which you have gone wrong he will try to understand where you have been wrong in your concepts and to what extent your answer  is correct which will help him in allotting you step marks for those answers.



By:- Murtuza Roshan



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Published by

Murtuza Roshan
(Practicing Chartered Accountant)
Category Others   Report

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