You still have time. Don't give up!

Priyam , Last updated: 23 August 2012  


As soon as the exam forms are out we are shaken, stirred and finally woken up from our dreams to the realities of  life “oh my god exams are near” and the time left for preparation is now clearly visible to us one look at the calendar and the heartbeat goes racing how will I cover the syllabus? And many more questions suddenly crop up from some unknown territory which we had not visited for so long. In most of the cases we keep our books in front of us and wonder how am  I going to finish all this in three months and soon fear grips us we look at the calendar, then at the books and then the watch “time is running out, my god…kaise hoga”


My friends this is my story as well, so I am not here to give preaching's regarding what should be done because I know we students do face this situation and we have limited time so the most important thing is to control our mind, to fight back all our fears and utilize the time to maximum it’s a well known fact that time and tide wait for none and the 2 or 3months time that we have now can’t be changed to 5months. It’s always good to accept the truth and come to terms with reality as soon as possible, we have just 2 months but it’s also true that these 2months can’t be snatched away from us, it’s ours and we have to use it to maximum (ya the magical and very true lines from Chak de India). Would just like to highlight certain points, I am sure it will help boost your confidence and reduce your fear. Hope it helps.


1) To finish something you need to start first


You can think of finishing a task only when you have started doing it. Steps are needed to be taken in order to complete it, merely thinking about and worrying how to finish it would not be of any help till you start working upon your goals.


2) Planning is important


Plan your studies make a schedule that’s achievable and use it as a benchmark to achieve your targets, decide upon from before from where you will study and how much time you want to devote for each subject depending on your needs.


3) Study in a stress free environment


A peaceful mind is essential to concentrate, so study in a happy environment it will make the things easy and I have always believed that studies need to be enjoyed else it becomes a burden and then comes the pressure cooker situation so it’s essential to take it easy and to relax


4) It’s better to work hard in the first few days


If you work hard and put more efforts in first few days rather than just looking at the calendar and the books it will reduce the burden in the days to come if working hard for 10 days can reduce the burden for the next 20 days it’s better to utilize these 10days to remain stress free in the days to come.


5) Have faith in yourself


I know as soon as the exam approaches near our targets keep shifting," should I appear for one group I am not ready for both groups, oh god even one group isn't complete, oh no I can’t sit in this exams I haven't prepared well I will appear in next attempt”. This shifting attitude truly needs to change its true we have limited time but we have to study in that much time and have to do well, nothing can substitute hard work so don’t shift the target, just change your attitude and work upon your goals.


6) Understand your needs


We all are unique I must say so we can’t adjust into someone else's routine or study schedule its always better to understand your needs and not ape others ,keep the things personalized your routine should reflect you, and the most important thing is that you should know yourself and what's best for you


7) Have a habit of learning and to explore


It will help you in the long run if you enjoy learning about something you will start enjoying it and when you start enjoying you will want to explore and studies will never seem a burden.


8) Take your own decisions


Do SWOT analysis and decide upon the books you want to refer and prepare from and stick to them. I know most of us are confused till the exam date whether we have covered everything or not and whether we are studying from the right book, I think choice of books is a personal decision keeping in view the language and presentation that best suites our needs.


9) Enjoy the moment


Student life and the exam time are the best times to remember, studying till late getting up early, seeing the question paper and the butterfly in stomach effect before the question paper is distributed, the feeling of exams I think is a moment to be enjoyed live the moment.


10) Give your best


Don’t give up till the end, even if you are struggling answering questions in the beginning of the exam, just hold on to your nerves relax and move ahead to next question believe me you haven't lost till you give up.


I just hope this article motivates students who are going through this phase, the fear of exams, sleepless nights, lost appetite and staring at books and calendar syndrome this article is the result of motivation, support and constant scolding from my seniors (all qualified chartered accountants), all my thanks to them :)

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