Wrong Motivation is biggest Exam Killer

CA Ravi Taori , Last updated: 21 January 2017  

Before I go ahead let me tell that this article is not for students or people who are extra ordinarily brilliant and who remain in top 10 in exams. This article is not for students who started preparing for finals, 2 years in advance with regular self-study. This is not for IPC students who are sincere and confident in studies from day one. I am writing this after working with large number of students over a decade. This article is specifically focused on CA students.

Well we like Lakshya, Sultan, Dangal, Chakde and Rocky series and many other motivational movies. We like success stories a lot. We get pumped up, our blood starts pumping, we want to achieve impossible. We like to dream to be successful. We read stories how to clear exams in a month or few days etc. We like to say impossible is nothing. “Let me tell you a DRUNK person also thinks the same”.

Please try to understand motivation cannot bring back lost life, motivation cannot make 15-ton truck carry 30 ton goods.

And you know because of unrealistic dreams, wrong illusion, people perform poorly and they suffer. Such wrong motivation can kill possible success. People study in haste without making their concepts strong, score between 250 to 350 in both groups (ca final), unable to clear exams. They take a week to digest what has happened. Effective time left after result for exams is less than 3 months. Again they go for both groups, without any big change and result is on same lines.

Don’t go for attempt in haste or go for both groups only because professor said it (his academy may have commercial interest), only because friends are doing it (all have different capacities), only because my father, brother or sister did it. Only because I am too old (say crossed 30), only because I am a brave person, I never bow down under any pressure (common grow up, Virat played defensive knock to save test match). I have promised my family I will clear CA in this attempt (your family don’t know about volumes and complexities of course, you are a better judge).

If you want drastic improvements in marks, you need loads of time is required first get that time. Going for one group can give you loads of time for improvements. I have seen students breaking 150-160 range and achieving success or 180-190 and then success in next go. But I have numerous examples of such improvements and success.

Guys don’t go for both groups blindly. Assess your performance, strengths and weakness. Take guidance of experienced people and then select your strategy. At the max you can complete one group with full confidence till 15th March and then select one paper from other group for exemption, that too if you feel confident.

Success = Positive Thinking + Self Assessment + Practical Approach + Guidance by Experts

Standard steps suggested to bounce back

1. Identify week topics of all 4 subjects make list of it. Allocate more time if they are important for exams. Otherwise cover them appropriately. Also identify what problem you face whether it is understanding, interpretation of questions or writing answers.

2. Call for answer sheets of all papers and get them evaluated by professors.

3. Do writing practice, 2-3 questions should be done in writing out of every 10 questions

4. Go for portion wise test series. Look for good websites.

5. Join library if required.

6. You can go for class / video if you feel you cannot comprehend major portion of subject.

Article given in link is highly recommended, this article has more than 40,000 views and many students got benefited from the same.
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CA Ravi Taori
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